Isle of Man Masters & Classic Seedings
The seedings for the Dartshopper Isle of Man Classic and Masters 2025 are annnounced as follows.
England Membership Statement
England Membership Statement 2025
I write to you in relation to England Darts Organisation. This is a lengthy but important communication, on the future opportunities England Darts offers to all players senior & youth.
Historically within the BDO England were affiliated members of them, and when the BDO lost their sponsorship from Imperial Tobacco, they decided that England should take over responsibility of running the England International teams, but they continued to maintain a certain level of financial support towards the funding of the England International senior & youth teams at World Darts Federations Europe Cup Youth, Europe Cup and World Cups.
With the demise of the BDO, the County situation was assigned to the UK Darts.
Within their original proposals there was a mandate to continue a working relationship with the Countries, in essence to continue the original pyramid system, and maintain the opportunities to all the players.
We are now 4 years down the line from the BDO ceasing to trade, England has had to adapt their structure to try and maintain the original policies of why the BDO was formed in 1973.
Obviously to maintain these historical objectives there is cost implications.
Sadly some of the original England Counties decided that they no longer supported these historical objectives of protecting their players’ opportunities, and as a result chose to no longer support England Darts in their attempts to keep these opportunities open to all County members.
England Darts had to decide how to try and maintain these opportunities, and continue to protect the players whose county executives decided to withdraw from England which directly resulted in removing these players International opportunities.
The decisions England Darts made were in the hope that UK Darts and England could come to some sort of agreement in a working collaboration, which former UK Chairman Colin Savage was keen to accomplish.
England despite receiving no financial support from UK Darts (historically the BDO did assist) did however continue to incorporate within their International Selection criteria, a ruling that any players wishing to qualify through their county statistics to represent England had to complete a minimum of 6 county matches in the UK National League.
We are now 4 years down the line, and we are asking all counties to reconsider their original decisions and return as members of England, to protect their players’ opportunities.
Within our Criteria we are encouraging all players to commit to the UK Darts National League; within our criteria, it does give a continuing path from National League (County) to England International recognition, which maintains the pyramid.
I know we are all aware that the landscape of darts is changing, and this is having repercussions on the historical objectives of our darts system.
All counties have seen many of their players questioning whether they feel continuing to support the county darts system, is financially viable, when alternatively they can compete locally in events at local pubs with a chance of winning limited monies, with minimum travel costs, rather than the ongoing increasing costs of attending County Darts, with travel & hotel cost raising annually.
We feel that there is still a majority of players who in their ambitions regard playing for their Country (England) is important.
If this opportunity within the pyramid of our side of darts no longer exists, due to the removal of attaining International recognition through participation in National League, this ceases to be available to them, then some players “may” feel why bother with County Darts as that is as far as they can progress.
I think many counties will appreciate this is already happening, with many unable to maintain constant squads month in month out, as opposed to years ago where county teams changed minimally during the year.
When the counties loose the support of their best players, it inevitably diminishes the credibility of County Darts.
This has a knock on effect on counties being able to promote their home games to the paying public as a meaningful sporting product, reduced attendances equates to reduced income for the Venue and future sponsorship support, which historically was passed on to their players.
Together we can help each other to protect the future, for everyone’s benefit.
Counties who remain members of England, will have all their players statistics recorded monthly into the England County Rankings, these rankings are accessed by a great deal of players on and ongoing situation, proving they are still very important and relevant to their ambitions.
If a county decides to remain outside of England membership, we will continue to offer personal memberships.
However the deadline for this personal membership will also be 1st April 2025.
Only players whose counties or personally adhere to the 1st April deadline will have their statistics published, and only these players will be eligible for consideration into the England International teams on the selection process after the National Leagues 2025 December scheduled fixture.
I would respectfully ask that any counties not wishing to be associated as a member of England Darts make sure as a matter of courtesy that they make their players aware of their County situation, thus making their position quite clear to alleviate the situation where England Darts are constantly asked “is my county a member of England? Or I wasn’t aware our County wasn’t a member of England.
We are attempting to support the County system and maintain the pyramid of continuation towards supporting the player’s opportunities within our sport.
Membership of England is £250 and the Bank Details are as follows.
Bank Barclays
Account England Darts Organisation Limited
Account Number – 70219630
Sort Code – 20-10-03.
On Behalf of England Darts Organisation
Tommy Thompson
British International Teams 2025
The England Selectors choices for the British Internationals Teams for Chapel St Leonard Skegness on 28th-30th March 2025.
Good Luck to everyone.
Tickets are available via
Accommodation direct only from
Book Accommodation Direct Only or Phone 01754-874444 (option1) Wrist Bands included.
Merry Christmas
The Directors and Officials of England Darts would like to wish all our County and Playing members a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, as we approach 2025 with a full calendar of Darts for competition ranking events, and International Championships, supporting Youth (Boys and Girls) and Men's and Ladies.
44th British Internationals
England Darts will be hosting the 44th edition of the British Internationals Team Championships at the Golden Palm Resort Chapel St. Leonard between the 28-30th March 2025, on behalf of the Trinations darts association.
The event features championships in the Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Girls sections.
Tickets are available from “Eventbrite” only.
In 2023 we held the 42nd Championships which were a fantastic advert for British Darts, and all the countries are looking forward to revisiting the venue in March.
Accommodation is available at the same prices as 2023, free parking, several resturants, and evening entertainment included in the packages.
Please book early to avoid disappointments.
A full schedule of events and timings will be posted at a later date.
England Announce Youth International Squads for 2025
Europe Cup 2024 Slovakia
A very personal view of the WDF Europe Cup. Tommy Thompson.
Having just returned from Slovakia where England Men’s and Women’s team took part in the WDF Europe Cup, where 40 Men’s and 32 Women’s teams took part.
To say it was an exhausting week, especially directly following the British Open, would be a massive understatement.
Firstly I would like to thank everyone involved from Slovakia the organisation was terrific, including the boys’ and girls’ both big and little ones, who marked all the matches, outstanding.
The presentation of the event was first class, I think many people in the UK, think that organisations outside our country are not up to scratch, but believe me in organisational skills they are every bit our equals.
The venue was unbelievable and the accommodation was the best I have stayed in, in my entire life.
I would like to pay special thanks to our teams, only Scott Mitchell has represented either a World or Europe Cup previously for England. These events are unique in the sport of darts, and as some of the players stated; they felt pressure like they had never done before at any events, or Internationals.
A very proud well done to the Men who finished 3rd and Women who just missed out on 3rd with a fourth place, so well done Natalie, Sam, Steph, Paige, Ricky, Cam, Milly and of course Scotty dog.
The girls did win bronze in the team event, after losing to a really good Slovakian team in their Semi-final, as did the lads losing at the same stage to Czech Republic, securing a Bronze for England. Although the lads and lassies felt they had let us down, they definitely didn’t how many of the other 37 Men’s teams and 29 Ladies teams would have loved to be up on the podium on presentation.
The only success we had in the singles came from Cam Crabtree losing his semi-final, in a very high class affair.
Scott and Cam did get onto the podium as joint 3rd place in the Pairs, after just being pipped by Sweden in a titanic tussle.
I think both our girls and boys were a little surprised on the standard of darts at the event.
We had to attend several meetings during the weekend as usual, which is the only opportunity of getting the countries together to set the rules for the future.
I would like to say thanks to all the England players and their supporters over the weekend, to Neil Pritchard for being my personal care assistant, and to Paul and Deta as always 100% in supporting and protecting England Darts irrespective of the personal costs financial and more importantly adverse social media attacks, to the many people who came to me in respect of myself and our organisation, I was humbled by them!!.
Money cannot buy this.
I just wish our own people could emulate the high regard other countries have towards us and the opportunities we provide.
Thanks everyone great event, great people lovely memories in the locker for me and the team to share forever.
Tommy T
Seedings - England Classic Weekend 2024 - Seal Bay, Selsey
The seedings list for the 4 ranked events being played on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September 2024 at Seal Bay, Selsey, are linked below.
If anyone feels that there are errors in the seedings, they should inform England Darts by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.
England Masters and England Classic Seedings - Men and Women
British International Trial
There will be an opportunity for the Men players to qualify for the British Internationals squad, as we are adding a trial at Selsey on Friday 6th September starting at 4.00pm prior to the England Classic Men's and Ladies Paris Championship later in the evening.
The South of England trail is open to all English Male Nationals, with the winner joining the rest of the selected teams who will represent England at the 44th British Internationals to be held 28th-30th March 2025, at Chapel St. Leonard, Skegness.
Entries will be open next week and a £10 discount on entry fee will apply for England Members.
England Classic Selsey 2024
England Darts returns to Selsey for the 2024 England Classic Open. The event carries two silver WDF ranking tournaments which are part of their 2024 Lakeside World Championship qualification tournaments, for both Men’s Ladies along with Youth Qualifiers for Boys and Girls.
England darts are over the moon to be returning to what all the darts fraternity recognised as our natural home. With new owners in place it is up to the players to support the event and show their commitment to this fantastic venue, in the hope of securing England Darts at the Whitehorse for the future.
For locals they are allowed to stay off site and just pay for a weekend pass, which is normal for all most events.
There is £20,000 on offer during the weekend of events and entries to the singles events start at just £16 for members, which have to be completed on our online entry platform by midnight 31st July.
We will be posting updates for the event during the next several weeks on our two social media platforms, and ask for the players to share around their media contacts.
For those travelling and would like to book accommodation directly through Seal Bay Selsey details on the flyer below.
Why not come and enjoy the fantastic entertainment for all the family in the Embassy Complex after the completion of the days play, a truly family holiday with many attractions for the children.
We hope to see you and share some memorable moments with you all.
Angela Hogan
England Darts Tournament Director
England Open 2024 - North Devon Resort, Ilfracombe
England National Singles 2024
England Open 2024
The stage finals will be streamed live from approx. 4 pm on Sunday 9th June 2024.
England Open 2024
With over £20,000 in prize money on offer during the weekend, and England members receiving a reduction in entry fees, this is a massive opportunity for all dart players.

England Open - British Pentathlons

St George's Day England
Statement Concerning Transgender
Hi All,
After recent discussions with our players and executives, we would like to make the following statement.
England Darts has canvassed its players and executives in this very important issue concerning the future of Women’s darts, and how England can continue to protect the integrity within our sport for its female members.
We are mindful that it this has become very derisive issue, and one we would never have thought would be an issue some 50 years ago, when we set up our systems of competition.
England as the national organisation within the World Darts Federation, have a duty to decide how to continue to promote and compete in events which are in the best interests of our members, in this case our women.
To compete and associate ourselves in events with non birth gender females in Womens events would be seen as accepting this situation, along with sending a message out that we are condoning and contributing to a situation which will ultimately result in the demise of our Women’s sport, a sport many people across our sport, have invested a tremendous amount of time and effort for many years in securing the right of Women to have their own championships where they compete on a level playing field with their fellow female born competitors
This decision has not been made hastily, and whilst certain International Championships may be affected by this decision, depending upon the views of others, nothing has ever been achieved without possible sacrifice, and England Darts are fully supportive of our Women and urge everyone within England Darts and fellow International Organisations/Associations to support Women’s Darts.
We will not be drawn into being judgemental about any person’s life style choices, that is entirely their own choices, and is nothing to do with England Darts, neither will we be drawn into any abuse of any individuals, this decision is to protect the integrity of Woman’s Darts as a sport in its own right.
On Behalf of England Darts
Tommy Thompson.
43rd British Internationals
Welcome to the 43rd edition of the British Internationals, a prestigious darts tournament that showcases the finest talents from England, Wales, and Scotland on the international stage. Held annually, this event brings together top players from across the three nations to compete for glory and national pride.
Taking place at the esteemed Glenrothes Recreation and Social Club in Glenrothes, Scotland, this year's tournament promises three days of thrilling darting action, commencing from Friday, April 12th, and concluding on Sunday, April 14th, 2024.
At the heart of the competition lies the fierce rivalry between the participating countries, as each team fields their best players across four categories: Boys, Girls, Ladies, and Men's teams. Join us as England, Wales, and Scotland vie for supremacy in this thrilling showcase of talent and sportsmanship.
Tournament Information
Match Centre - Standings - Schedule - Programme
Glenrothes Recreation and Social club, South Street, Glenrothes KY7 5NL
Doors Open
For all information on The 2024 British Internationals including team selection, sponsors and more visit here
Live Streaming
England Open 2024
The 2024 England Open Festival of Darts will be held at the North Devon Resort in Ilfracombe.
The event will be a double Silver Category World Darts Federation Ranking event, and will feature the England Open and England National Singles, and carries over £25,000 prize fund.
The British Pentathlon’s both Men's and Ladies Championships will be held alongside the Singles events, along with Men's, Ladies and Mixed Pairs events, as well as the England Youth Grand Prix Boys and Girls, which will also be ranked by the WDF.
The Grand Finals will be streamed live via England youtube site
Entries are now open via the online services tab on the England Website. Book now to avoid disappointments.
British Internationals 2024
England Darts has been informed that due to personal reasons Beau Greaves is now unavailable for the British Internationals to be held in Glenrothes during the weekend of 12th – 14th April, 2024.
England Darts is pleased to invite Salopian County Ladies player Steph Clarke to join the England International Team.
Steph will become the first player from Salopian County to represent England, and once again continues England Darts commitment to support the County System and its players into our selection processes.
On behalf of the directors and selectors of England we wish Steph and all the selected players in the Mens’, Ladies, Boys and Girls categories the very bezst of luck, and hope that this opportunity will remain with you all, throughout your careers.
Diary Updates
The England Diary has been updated to include a return to Selsey 6th - 8th Sept 2024 for the England Classic and England Masters, both of these events will be Silver WDF sanctioned events. The England Classic Youth GP will also be ranked by WDF in the search for Lakeside World Championship places. The events will be held at the Seal Bay Holiday Centre (formally Bunn Leisure), please vists their website for accommodation details.
Isle of Man Dartshopper Darts Festival 2024
The 2024 Festival is due to commence on Thursday 7th March.
Please visit our Dedicated Festival Website for all related matters.
International Squads for 2024 Released
England Darts would like to congratulate all the players who have been selected to represent England for the forthcoming Internationals in 2024.
The changing face and opportunities within the darts scene in England, has made the task of trimming down the many talented players we have in England into the final squads very challenging, and as always everyone will have their own ideas of who should be included, but with the changing face of darts, England need to focus on players who support our system and our events during the year.
Traditionally the county setup has been a mainstay of information used in the process, but rules which were in place during the BDO days where the three countries were affiliated into the county system, and as a result were partially financially supported by the then county system, and more importantly the three countries having a voice into the rules and administration of county darts.
Unfortunately this is not the situation now, which has resulted in our original continuing support of County Darts and the processes we put in place in good faith, are now working against the players being able to achieve the minimum standards we published three years ago in support of the county scene.
Both 2023 and 2022 have been very successful years for our international teams at British, European, 6 Nations and most recently at the World Cup last October in Denmark, along with the fantastic efforts of our Youth Boys and Girls Teams who have dominated at World & Europe Cups, entirely due to our England Youth Grand Prix series, so it becomes ever so difficult in maintaining and defending these historic achievements of our previous squads.
Whilst we thank our previous squads and wish all those who have worn the shirt with pride and honour the very best for the future, and hopefully they continue to support England Darts, we are now are 100% focused on the new squads who will wear the famous shirts into 2024.
England are the most successful Country in World Darts, however maintaining this into the future is reliant on support at events England are involved in organising and funding by all dart players, so please irrespective of whatever other events are in the calendar in 2024, try and support the odd few weekends we run Isle of Man, England Open and British Open events.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts
International Selection 2024
This weekend sees the final set of County fixtures which are a qualification for selection for the 2024 England International Teams.
This year there has been numerous cancelled and re-arranged games which now fall outside of the England Selection criteria of 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023. Further with divisions playing different formats results, in many players having a distinct disadvantage over others in the possible games they are able to attend, due to these issues, which England Darts has no input into.
All the 12 months players criteria are updated on the basis of points achieved, so an in depth analysis of this criteria will have to be addressed for the final selection for 2024.
In 2024, the Teams will be attending the British Internationals in Scotland, The 6 Nations International Championships in Republic of Ireland, and the Europe Cup in Slovakia along with the Youth attending the Europe Cup Youth Championships in Latvia.
The 2023 squads had unprecedented successes, winning Men’s Ladies, Girls and Boys in the British Internationals, winning the Youth Europe Cup in Austria, our Ladies won the 6 Nations in Northern Ireland, and the icing on the cake was our squads won more Gold medals at the World Cup in Denmark than the whole of the other 50 countries combined.
Please be aware the statistics are documented on a monthly basis from players from England Member Counties and players who are currently fully paid up members of the England Darts Organisation only. If players feel they would like to be considered they should become members via the England Online Members within
Isle of Man Accommodation & Travel Details 2024
The 2024 Isle of Man International Darts Festival, has just announced the Travel and Accommodation details which can be found on the link below. There are multiple options for accommodation with differing prices and options of length of stay, the ones below are just some of them for advertising purposes, please look at all the options as we are not promoting nor have any preferences for your consideration.
Entry as usual will be online only, and through the England Darts website.
Grand Finals this Sunday of England Youth GP
This coming Sunday sees the Grand Finals of the England Youth Grand Prix series at the Belgrave Sports & Social Club in Tamworth.
Our youth from England and Wales have battled out over 6 weekends to secure their places into the Grand Finals, with 16 Boys and 8 Girls now competing for the titles.
It is free entry to support the youth players, the event will be streamed live and the matches can be followed on Darts Connect throught the day.
Since we started the Youth Grand Prix's 4 years ago the system has transformed the fortunes of England International Youth teams, which is highlighted by performances at the beginning of the month, where our youth players dominated the World Cup in Denmark, in years gone by we took teams to Europe Cups, World Cups, with more hope than anticipation, because we relied on other systems to deliver the players to us, rather than by our own efforts to find players we could identify with a realistic chance of success, prior to this last 4 years we were always envious of our friends Holland, who previously dominated the scene.
Thanks to our efforts we have turned the fortunes of England Youth International teams around, and well done to our Youth executive, Dave Dudeney, Paul James and Deta Hedman in particular.
Below are the 24 Youths players who will be promoting their abilities at the highest level of competition within England Darts, and we wish them all good luck not just this weekend but for their careers going forward.
Grand Finals England Youth Grand Prix 2023
This coming Sunday sees the Grand Finals of the England Youth Grand Prix Series. The cream of youth darts in England will be on show with 16 of the very best of this years competitors, featuring our 4 World Champions from the World Cup in Denmark. We would like to wish all the kids the very best of luck, enjoy the experience and the days competition.
Everyone is welcome to come along, free entry, free car parking, and hot food available during the day, with the event live streamed and foolw updates on Darts Connect.
lastly I would like to thank the sponsors during the year and on the finals day, along with our youth executives for time and effort they have put into the series during this year.
Exciting times in next years Grand Prix, as all the events will carry WDF Youth Ranking points towards the World Championships and World Master.
England Youth Grand Prix Series 7

England Youth Grand Prix Rankings Series 5
This weekend series 5 of the England Youth Grand Prix takes place. This series is about developing youth darts in England, and ultimately used as the basis for selcting our International Boys and Girls Team, which will take part in the 2024 British Internationals and Europe Cup.
All players irrespective of abilities are welcome to attend. Our events are round robin system, where the kids will get several matches on the day. There is £350 prize monies available at each event.
All players are advised they must enter online via our online services tab.
Good luck to everyone and enjoy the event.
England Seniors World Cup Squads Announced
England Darts are pleased to announce the Senior Squads for the W.D.F. XX111 World Cup in Denmark 25th - 30th September 2023. The youth squads will be announced after the Europe Cup Youth, in July.
2023 Six Nations Internationals
England Satellite Darts Tour
England Darts are to launch a Satellite Darts Tour, this will be alongside the main tour.
All the events will carry World Ranking Bronze Status categories and anyone can apply to host these events, however the terms and conditions of the W.D.F will apply to all events, so there will be separate Men’s and Ladies events to be included, they will not be a furthest ladies category within the main events.
These events would be ideal opportunity of running in conjunction with existing or proposed County member opens.
If anyone would like to be considered we are in the process of putting together packages to make available to organisers and venues, especially for those intermediate size venues, which would not be suitable for the staging the massive main tour events, but ideal for the Satellite Tour.
Please contact us directly, or contact any of our officials or in fact your county secretaries who can contact us on your behalf.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts
England 2023 Youth Grand Prix Series
The England Youth Grand Prix series for 2023 starts on June 25th at the Belgrave Sports & Social Club, Tamworth. The events are used to identify players to go forward to represent England Youth at the British Internationals, the Europe Cup Youth and World Cup Events, of which England current hold all the team titles.
The events are open to all boys and girls (not just English nationals) up to the age of 18, whether serious or fun players, or players wanting to improve their abilities. The events are run in a friendly atmosphere, where friendships made will last a lifetime.
The events consist of a Open Youth Grand Prix on a round robin basis so all players will be guaranteed a few matches depending upon entry levels rather than a straight knock-out basis, with the top two in each section going forward to a straight knock-out, along with this there will be an added incentive for the girls having their own separate Knock-out.
Full details of entry criteria will be available shortly, but all entries must be made online, this is to minimise any mistakes being made and players arriving and not being included into the events.
This could be the start of a terrific career in darts.
Isle of Man Festival - Stage Finals Schedule
Stage Finals from 2 pm Sunday 12th March
L-style Isle of Man Women’s Open Semi-Finals
Lorraine Hyde v Beau Greaves
Rebecca Brouse v Rhian O’Sullivan
Prize Draw #1
L-style Isle of Man Men’s Open Semi-Finals
Martyn Turner v Cliff Prior
Ryan Hogarth v David Ladley
Darts Corner Isle of Man Youth GP – Girls Final
Paige Pauling v Sophie McKinlay
Prize Draw #2
Darts Corner Isle of Man Youth GP – Mixed Final
Charlie Manby v Luke Littler
L-style Isle of Man Women’s Masters Final
Beau Greaves v Rhian O’Sullivan
Prize Draw #3
L-style Isle of Man Men’s Masters Final
Jordan Brooks v Barry Copeland
Darts Corner Isle of Man Women’s Classic Final
Beau Greaves v Rhian O’Sullivan
Prize Draw #4
Darts Corner Isle of Man Men’s Classic Final
Luke Littler v Martin Atkins
L-style Isle of Man Women’s Open Final
Prize Draw #5
L-style Isle of Man Men’s Open Final
British Internationals 2023 Tickets Available
England Darts has teamed up with Eventbrite Ticket agency to administer the exclusive sale of tickets for the 2023 British International Championships to be held at the Golden Palm Resort in Skegness between 21-23rd April 2023.
The event consists of 4 championships for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls where representatives of the three home Nations England, Scotland and Wales once again batlle it out for the British Titles. The events will feature 7 World Champions.
There is accommodation available through The Golden Palm Resort only.
Please do not contact any of the three countries for tickets. All tickets will be on sale on the Eventbrite website from 8 am on Monday 13th February 2023. Please use the link below.
Eventbrite - 2023 British International Championships Tickets
England Teams for the 2023 British Internationals
England Darts are pleased to announce that the teams to represent England in the British Internationals to be played at the Golden Palm Resort in Chapel St Leonards from the 21st – 23rd April are:
Deta Hedman - Captain (Oxfordshire) County
Claire Brookin (Cambridgeshire) County
Beau Greaves (Yorkshire) England Ranking
Jo Locke (Suffolk) International Trial Winner
Maria O’Brien (Cornwall) County
Lorraine Winstanley Directors Pick/Retention
Stand By
1. Jane Monaghan (Hampshire)
2. Natalie Gilbert (Warwickshire)
James Hurrell - Captain (Buckinghamshire) International Trial Winner
Jamie Atkins (Warwickshire) County
Martin Atkins (Lancashire) County
Reece Colley (Black Country) County/England Ranking
Noel Grant (Warwickshire) County
Paul Hogan (Berkshire) County
Justin Hood (Somerset) Directors Pick/Retention
Scott Mitchell (Dorset) County
Tommy Morris (Dorset) County
Lloyd Pennell (Lincolnshire) County
James Richardson (Northamptonshire) International Trial Winner
Josh Richardson (Northamptonshire) Selectors Retention
Stand By
1. Paul Milford (Devon)
The senior teams have been selected using various methods, that include UKDA Darts Corner National League Results/Averages, England Rankings, International Trials, Retained Players and Directors Picks from players that were England Gold Members and shown after each players name.
Hannah Meek (Warwickshire)
Paige Pauling (Sussex)
Stand By
1. Amy Evans (Cheshire)
Thomas Banks (Hertfordshire)
Callum Beddows (Cleveland)
Archie Self (Sussex)
Jenson Walker (Warwickshire)
The youth teams have been selected from performances at the England Youth Grand Prix series and finals.
Across the teams there are first time call ups for Hannah Meek, Jenson Walker, Jamie Atkins, Reece Colley, Noel Grant, Tommy Morris, Lloyd Pennell and James Richardson.
The 2023 British Internationals will also see recalls for Maria O’Brien, Martin Atkins, Paul Hogan and Scott Mitchell.
Tickets will be available online from Monday 13th February.
Peter Melton
England Teams Director
Isle of Man £500 Free Prize draw
At this year’s Isle of Man Festival of Darts sponsored by Darts Corner and held at the Villa Marina Douglas, we will be giving away £500 in a free prize draw on finals day.
All players who enter a minimum of 1 of the events will be included into the draws which will be randomly selected during the afternoon. Winners will have to be present in person to collect their prizes.
Events are now live for entry via, our website
With over £31,000 prize money a fantastic £5,000 for the Men’s open Champion, World Darts Federation points on offer for World Masters and World Championships, 8 events including disabled darts, fun events, and of course The Big One the Isle of Man Open now in its 37th Year.
Don’t delay make sure your accommodation and Travel arrangements are in hand before the potential price increases.
Isle of Man Festival Online Entry Open

Christmas Greetings 2022
To all our Players, to our County Members, to the army of volunteers and executives who have helped to make 2022 a historically memorable year, enabling players the opportunity to travel the World in the sport we all enjoy, and progress their dreams, the Directors of The England Darts Organisation wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a successful 2023.
Tommy Thompson
Darts Corner IOM Festival of Darts 2023
British Internationals 2023
The 42nd British Internationals will this year be hosted by The England Darts Organisation at the Golden Palms Holiday Resort in Skegness between 21st - 24th April, 2023.
The event consists of Men's Ladies Boys and Girls Team Championships, and England will be defending all these titles. England will select the teams in early January, from players who are members of England. It is imperative that players who are members of England County Teams continue to support the County Championships, the latest of which will be held this coming weekend by The UKDA.
Once the teams are selected the players will be made aware of the details of times, schedules, uniforms, with time deadlines on returning their acceptance and photo's and any relevant information required to be included into the event brochure.
England Youth Grand Prix 2022
Yesterday saw the conclusion of the England Youth Grand Prix finals, with the 16 boys and 8 girls who had qualified through the 10 events we have held during the year.
Some absolutely fantastic darts which were streamed live on our England youtube site and still available to watch.
The final in the boys saw Luke Littler (87.63) coming back from 4-3 down to scrape the win and lift the championship against Archie Self (84.75). Semi-finals were terrific with Charlie Manby (86.85) (narrowly losing out to Luke (87.87) and Thomas Banks (87.71) similarly just failing to get the better of Archie (96.14) in a repeat match up at the 2022 Youth British Classic Final, in Bridlington.
These 4 lads won the Europe Cup in late September for England and how apt that they should battle out the latter stages of this year’s Grand Prix.
Paige Pauling and Eleanor Cairns produced some top class darts Paige running out a 3-0 winner 69.37 Ave Eleanor 60.35.
Massive thanks to Dave Dudeney for all the time he has given to the Youth Grand Prix over the past 2 years, to Deta and Paul and the staff and owners of the Belgrave Club in Tamworth. To Steve from Double16 for an excellent stream for the finals, that the kids can treasure going forward. To the mums and dads for all their support of their children, and lastly thanks to the county and individual members, the directors and executives of the England Darts Organisation who along with One80, "L Style" UKDA and the other personal sponsors keep the events viable, which allows our kids the opportunity to develop their skills going forward.
The 2022 England Youth Grand Prix Finalists
Our 2022 England Youth Grand Prix Champions Paige Pauling and Luke Littler along with Grand Prix Organiser Dave Dudeney
England Youth Grand Prix Finals Link
England Youth Grand Prix 2022 Finals
The 2022 England Youth Grand Prix Finals takes place this coming Sunday. We are just sorting out the link for the Live Stream for those who cannot attend; it will be on the England Youtube site. Many thanks to all those who have helped run the events during the year, to those who have also help sponsor the fantastic £2,000 prize fund with their kind donations, and thanks to the owners and staff of the Belgrave Sports & Social in Tamworth without whose involvement none of this would be possible. Special thanks to Dave Dudeney, Paul James and Deta Hedman.
Europe Cup Spain 2022
The England team created history at the Europe Cup in Ghandia Spain in October, by winning 7 out of a possible 8 Gold medals from the championships. There were a record number of countries attending 41 Men's Teams and 35 Ladies Teams.
The Men's team lifted the team event in dramatic fashion with the game against The Netherlands standing at 8 games each and team manager Tommy Thompson chose Scott Williams to play the championship tie break decider against Jelle Klassen. Scott won the bull on the one leg shoot out, and Jelle never close throughout the leg as Scott lifted the championship.
The Ladies also against the Netherlands in the final, had a much easier passage to lifting the championship by 9-1.
Beau Greaves once again did the double at the European championships winning the singles title and doubles with Deta Hedman.
The Men’s Pairs Championships was won by Scott Williams and Josh Richardson, both debutants for England by 6-2 against Poland.
England won the men’s overall title which is based on a combination of points awarded in the three disciplines Team/Singles/Pairs by a massive 72 points with (143 Pts) from the Netherlands (71) with Wales third (55).
The Ladies won the overall team title again based on points from the three disciplines (169 pts) from Sweden (89) in second place and Netherlands third (85).
A fantastic event, which probably doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, some awesome players from around Europe, and team performances from so many of the countries which were outstanding and quite unexpected by me. Well done to French International Jacques Labre winning not only the Europe Cup, but the Spanish Open the following day.
Our thanks to the staff at the hotel, to the organisers Matt and Craig in particular, and to all the other players officials from so many countries who made us feel so welcome.
Tommy T
Viking Cup 2022
In memory of Andy Fordham, England Darts and Shownights are holding a special darts events in his honour, the details are on the flyer below, and is a WDF Silver Ranked event, along with an England Youth Grand Prix qualifier. Please support this charity event.
Ilfracombe Holiday Park England Classic 2022 Information
England International Open Singles
England Classic Singles
England Classic Pairs
England Classic Youth Grand Prix
Ilfracombe Holiday Park England Classic Weekend 2022 Schedule
Thursday 22nd September 2022
46th Men's British Pentathlon
10 AM: Doors Open
11 AM: Start of Play
12 Noon till 4 PM: Entry Desk Open (all events EXCEPT England Classic Singles)
Friday 23rd September 2022
17th Ladies' British Pentathlon
10 AM: Doors Open
11 AM: Start of Play
12 Noon till 3 PM: Entry Desk Open (all events EXCEPT England Classic Singles)
England International Open 2022
6 PM till 6:30 PM: Registration
7 PM: Start of Play
Saturday 24th September 2022
England Classic Men’s & Women’s Singles
8 AM: Doors Open
10 AM till 10:30 AM: Registration
11 AM: Start of Play
10 AM till 2 PM: Entry Desk Open (Pairs and Youth events only)
England Classic Mixed Pairs
* 4 PM till 4:30 PM: Registration
* 5 PM: Start of Play
* times are approximate; listen for announcements
Sunday 25th September 2022
England Classic Men’s & Women’s Pairs
8 AM: Doors Open
10 AM till 10:30 AM: Registration
11 AM: Start of Play
Stage Finals
Starting at approximately 3 PM
International Trials Qualifiers
England Classic Festival of Darts
The England Classic Festival of Darts moves to the beautiful County of Devon in Ilfracombe, The event will also feature the Men’s and Ladies British Pentathlon’s along with the WDF Gold ranked Classic Open Singles Men’s and Ladies, There are 3 pairs events a Men’s, Ladies and Mixed, along with a Youth Classic, and the new England International Open for both Men and Ladies. We can all look forward to a hectic but exciting 5 days of darts for everyone, whether you are a fun player or more serious with the Classic Winners qualifying directly into the Lakeside World Championship Stage Finals on Eurosport.
Please be aware that to get the best deals on prices for the luxurious accommodation you must ring the Holiday centre directly, not their website or any price comparison sites on the web, we have negotiated a special price for our players as part of our agreement.
For our current England Members to take advantage of the discount please be aware this ends on 1st Sept, 2022.
For anyone not booking into the site there will be a weekend pass available.
Chris Whiting, RIP
Everyone at England Darts are sad to learn that former England International, Chris Whiting of Gloucestershire has passed away recently.
Chris played for England in the British Internationals on four occasions and had a perfect 100% win record. The picture shows Chris (back row, first player from the right) in the 1990 British Internationals team.
Current England Men’s Captain and fellow Gloucestershire player, James Hurrell has paid tribute to Chris. He said “My thoughts go out to Chris’s family and friends at this very sad time. Many people in Gloucestershire looked up to Chris with great respect and many believe he was Gloucestershire’s greatest ever player. We will all miss him. RIP Chris. Jammer.”
For the record, the players pictured are from left to right standing: Bob Anderson, Ray Battye, Ronnie Baxter, Peter Evison, Denis Hickling, Dennis Priestly, Paul Reynolds, Davy Richardson, Phil Taylor, Dave Whitcombe, Chris Whiting & Sam Hawkins (England President).
Front Row: Sharon Colclough, Sue Edwards, Maureen Flowers, Deta Hedman, Mandy Solomons, Jane Stubbs, Eric Bristow, Martin Adams, Alan Warriner & Olly Croft (England Team Manager).
WDF Youth Europe Cup 2022 Hungary
England Boys and Girls both became European Champions this week, for the first time in the History of England Darts. A full breakdown of the event details will appear in the next 48 Hours.
Luke Littler became Boys Europe Singles Champion, with Charlie Manby and Thomas Banks being crowned as Boys Europe Cup Pairs Champion. Amy Evans won a silver medal in the Girls singles and Paige Pauling and Amy winning the bronze medla in the girls pairs. Paige won a bronze in the girls singles.
The Girls won the Gold medal and championship by three points from Turkey, and The lads took the Gold Medal as they hold a massive 73 point lead over nearest rivals The Netherlands, with the Boys team final to come later this afternoon.
The boys won the final against the Republic of Ireland by 9 - 0 and extended their lead in the final league table 93 points, such was their performance in the final that none of their opponents actually threw at a double in all 9 matches.
Well done to the boys and girls for this fantastic achievement, not forgetting the hard work in the background from our dedicated England Officials, who made this all possible.
Team England Youth 2022 Budapest Hungary
Luke Littler - Archie Self - Charlie Manby - Thomas Banks - Amy Evans - Paige Pauling
Pontins England Open 2022 Stage Finals Stream
Streaming due to start at 6 pm on Sunday 10th July 2022. See link below.
Pontins England Open Weekend
Friday 8th July 2022
Pontins England Open Pairs
Online Entry closes on the day at 5:30 pm.
Entries taken at venue from 4 pm to 5:30 pm.
Register between 6pm and 7 pm for 7:30 pm start.
Draws available from links below when available.
Saturday 9th July 2022
Pontins England Open Singles
Register between 8:30 am and 9:30 am for 10 am start.
Allocated Markers (check using this link)
Alpha lists with Group Number available from links below
Draws available from links below:
Pontins England Open Men's Singles
Pontins England Open Women's Singles
Pontins England Open Mixed 4's
Youth GP entrants cannot play in this tournament.
Entries taken at venue from 4 pm to 5:30 pm on Friday and from 1 pm to 2 pm on the day.
Register between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm for 4 pm start (dependent on completion of singles).
Draws available from link below when available
Pontins England Open Mixed 4's
Pontins England Open Youth GP
Mixed 4's entrants cannot play in this tournament.
Online Entry closes on the day at 2 pm.
Entries taken at venue from 4 pm to 5:30 pm on Friday and from 1 pm to 2 pm on the day.
This event is run on a round-robin basis. The drawsheet for the knockout stage will be available when that stage commences.
Pontins Englnad Open Girls Knockout
Sunday 10th July 2022
Pontins England National Singles
Register between 8:30 am and 9:30 am for 10 am start.
Allocated Markers (check using this link)
Alpha lists with Group Number available from links below
Draws available from liinks below:
Pontins England National Men's Singles
Pontins England National Women's Singles
Pontins England Open Weekend Stage Finals
Streamed on England Darts YouTube Channel (link for stream)
Approximate start time: 6 pm.
Pontins England Open & National Singles Seedings Publicised
England Open and England National Singles
The two singles events taking place this coming weekend at Brean Sands are both ranked as WDF Silver events and carry 16 seeds for men and women.
Entries closed at midnight on Tuesday 5th July and seedings have been publicised. Please visit the Event Information Page for the Pontins England Open Weekend where you will be able to access the lists of seeded players.
England Teams for Europe Cup 2022
The 22nd WDF Europe Cup will be played in Gandia, Spain from the 28th September to 1st October 2022 and the teams that have been chosen to represent England are:
Ladies : Deta Hedman, Claire Brookin, Beau Greaves and Lorraine Winstanley.
Mens : James Hurrell, Josh Richardson, Luke Littler and Scott Williams.
The last Europe Cup was played during 2018 in Hungary and England were delighted that we won both overall titles. The only players who played in 2018 who are selected this time are Deta Hedman and Lorraine Winstanley. The only other player to have previously played in a Europe Cup is James Hurrell, in 2016.
Deta will be playing in the event for the fifth consecutive time and her seventh Europe Cup (she first played in 1994), whilst Lorraine will be making her fourth consecutive appearance at a Europe Cup.
All the other players will be making their Europe Cup debuts, although Beau Greaves has played in four Europe Youth Cups.
Six Nations Cup 2022
The Six Nations Cup, taking place in Scotland, can be viewed on YouTube using the links below.
Day 2 - Saturday 18th June 2022
Beau Greaves Wins Dutch Open
Congratulations to England’s Beau Greaves winning the World Darts Federations Dutch Open in a thrilling final against Rhian Edwards.
Both girls head to Scotland this coming weekend for the 6 Nations International Championships to be held at the Normandy Hotel Renfrew, featuring England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Holland.
England Men's team is James Hurrell, Scott Williams, Scott Taylor, Justin Hood and Luke Littler, and the ladies featuring Deta Hedman, Lorraine Winstanley and Beau Greaves.
The International Charity Singles begins on Friday morning, with the main event continuing through until Sunday evening.
Tickets are available from Scottish Darts Association.
RIP Shaun Greatbatch
On behalf of the Directors, Executive and the current England players I am sad to report that former England International Shaun Greatbatch has sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer.
Shaun represented England on 13 occasions winning 9 times, he also played in the Europe Cup once for England.
Shaun will always be in the darts record books as he was the first ever dart player to record a nine dart leg live on TV, which happened in the final of the Dutch Open which he went on to win.
As well as his time with England I also shared many years with him in Cambridgeshire, he had a natural talent for the game which meant he could take long breaks from the game, usually in the summer when he could usually by found fishing, but come the start of another darts season it was like seeing someone flick a switch as all his talent on the board returned instantly and he was a match for anyone.
It has been a terrible time for the family as only a few weeks ago, his Mum Sandra also passed away, so our thoughts are with his wife Barbara, his son Tom, his Dad Barry and his sister Sara and the family at this very sad time.
It was a pleasure to have known him, RIP Shaun.
Peter Melton, England Darts
England Youth Grand Prix Rankings Series 4
After 4 events in the England Youth Grand Prix, here are the up to date rankings for the season so far, our sincere thanks to Dave Dudeney and David Ballantine for their continued commitment to Youth Darts.
The next event will be held at Pontins Brean Sands on Saturday 9th July 2022. Entries can be made via england online services on our website.
England Youth Grand Prix 2022 Rankings |
Place | Name | T/Points | GP1 Isle of Man | GP2 Tamworth | GP3 Tamworth | GP4 Tamworth |
1 | Luke Litller | 70 | 25 | 20 | 25 | |
2 | Tavis Dudeney | 65 | 20 | 25 | 15 | 5 |
3 | Cayden Smith | 40 | 15 | 10 | 15 | |
4 | Thomas Banks | 30 | 25 | 5 | ||
5= | Archie Self | 25 | 20 | 5 | ||
5= | Charlie Manby | 25 | 15 | 20 | ||
7= | Callum Beddow | 20 | 20 | |||
7= | Jenson Walker | 20 | 5 | 15 | ||
9= | Amy Evans | 15 | 5 | 15 | ||
9= | Ben Gamble | 15 | 15 | |||
9= | Jake Rigney | 15 | 5 | 10 | ||
9= | Leighton Bennett | 15 | 15 | |||
9= | Sam Matthews | 15 | 5 | 10 | ||
14= | Alfie Busby | 10 | 5 | 5 | ||
14= | George Posser | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Hannah Meek | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Harvey Stringer | 10 | 5 | 5 | ||
14= | Leuan Halsall | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Jamie Rooksby | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Joel Pinto | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Joshua Bean | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Luke Morris | 10 | 5 | 5 | ||
14= | Olly Raywood | 10 | 10 | |||
14= | Ryan Walsh | 10 | 10 | |||
25= | Ashley Marson | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Bradley Williams | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | George Ripley | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Harry Earp | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Harry Franklin | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Jason Meek | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Jayden Harper | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Lauren Stokoe | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Mackenzie Wilson | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Mason Teese | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Oliver Wilson | 5 | 5 | |||
25= | Ronnie Wilsher | 5 | 5 | |||
England Youth Grand Prix 2022 Girls Rankings | ||||||
1 | Amy Evans | 50 | 25 | 25 | ||
2= | Eleanor Cairns | 45 | 20 | 25 | ||
2= | Hannah Meek | 45 | 15 | 20 | 10 | |
2= | Paige Pauling | 45 | 25 | 20 | ||
5 | Ella Willaims | 35 | 20 | 15 | ||
6= | Enola Wilson | 30 | 15 | 15 | ||
6= |
Lauren Stokoe | 30 | 25 | 15 |
England Open Discounts End Shortly
6 Nations International Teams 2022

England Youth Grand Prix Series 3
The third in the series of the England Youth Grand Prix, will be held this coming Sunday 15th May, 2022 at the Tamworth Sports & Social Club B77 2FL.
All our youth events are open to all players under the age of 18 boys and girls on 1st January 2022, we have an open policy for all players irrespective of whether they are members of other youth organisations or are members of youth academies, in fact we welcome them with open arms.
These are not elite events, and our events are the designed to cater and promote kids of all abilities, and aspirations, from the beginners to the more series. There are discounts on entries for players, who are England members, and they are automatically entered into the monthly prize draw, but this is not a requirement to be a member but just an option.
Our events are based on a round robin system where kids usually play 3-4 games in the afternoon, based on entries.
Our youth girls also have their own section, as well as opportunities into the main event, only last year Beau Greaves was able to participate in our youth system and is now the Ladies World Champion at just 18, and lifting the Welsh Open Championship last weekend.
Entries for the event, are online only through online services tab.
Good Luck to everyone this weekend
England Youth Executive
Captains Double

Mike Gregory
England GP 2 Tamworth
Our first grand prix tournament of the new season, saw a terrific attendance in Tamworth. Although an unexpected long day, the event produced some fabulous games with Tavis Dudeney being the eventual champion, although his journey to the final saw him having to survive a last leg decider in no less than three of his games, and a thrilling final against the latest England International recruit Archie Self 5-3 in a very close match.
The Girls champion saw two of the top girls in our system battling it out once again, with Paige Pauling being successful.
We would like to thank all the mums and dads along with the venue for getting the Grand Prix off to a successful start for the new season.
Small changes will be made to the registration process for the events going forward, which will enable us to reduce the preparation time, and obviously the event length, but thanks for bearing with us.
Special thanks to Dave and Tommie who organised and ran the event.
Mixed Finals | |||
Last 32 | |||
Joel Pinto | 3 | Alfie Galloway | 0 |
Joshua Bean | 0 | Ben Gamble | 3 |
Hannah Meek | 0 | Jake Rigney | 3 |
Ashley Marson | 3 | Oliver Allenby | 0 |
Charlie Manby | 3 | Daniel Stephenson | 1 |
Thomas Banks | 2 | Tavis Dudeney | 3 |
Bradley Williams | 3 | Jayden Harper | 2 |
Archie Self | 3 | Jason Meek | 0 |
Harvey Stringer | 3 | Rhys Butler | 1 |
Josh Jones | 2 | Cayden Smith | 3 |
Mason Teese | 3 | George Prosser | 1 |
Jamie Rooksby | 3 | Herbie Sowerby | 1 |
Last 16 | |||
Oliver Wilson | 0 | Joel Pinto | 3 |
Ben Gamble | 3 | Jake Rigney | 1 |
Ashley Mason | 3 | Charlie Manby | 3 |
Tavis Dudeney | 3 | Alfie Busby | 2 |
Olly Raywood | 3 | Bradley Williams | 1 |
Archie Self | 3 | Harvey Stringer | 0 |
Cayden Smith | 3 | Mason Teese | 1 |
Jamie Rooksby | 3 | Harry Earp | 1 |
Quarter Finalists | |||
Joel Pinto | 2 | Ben Gamble | 3 |
Charlie Manby | 2 | Tavis Dudeney | 3 |
Olly Raywood | 0 | Archie Self | 3 |
Cayden Smith | 3 | Jamie Rooksby | 0 |
Semi Finalists | |||
Ben Gamble | 0 | Tavis Dudeney | 4 |
Archie Self | 4 | Cayden Smith | 2 |
Final | |||
Tavis Dudeney | 5 | Archie Self | 3 |
Girls Championship | |||
Quarter Finalists | |||
Ella Williams | 3 | Iyla Leightley | 2 |
Enola Wilson | 3 | Emma O'Connor | 0 |
Rosie O'Connor | 2 | Hannah Meek | 3 |
Paige Pauling | 3 | Kacie O'Connor | 0 |
Semi Finalists | |||
Ella Williams | 3 | Enola Wilson | 0 |
Hannah Meek | 0 | Paige Pauling | 3 |
Final | |||
Ella Williams | 0 | Paige Pauling | 3 |
England Youth Grand Prix Series 2022 Starts
England Open 2022
The England Open and England National Singles Open will be held between 8th-10th July at Brean Sands in Somerset, the online entry will be open shortly. Please make sure when you book accommodation you use the "Code".
There are 8 events during the Open, Men's and Ladies Ranking singles, Men's and Ladies Pairs along with Mixed pairs and the England Youth Grand Prix, with around £25,000.00 prize fund.
England Youth Grand Prix 2022 Series 2
England Youth British Internationals Teams
England Darts after an intense scrutiny of all information available concerning Youth boys and girls performances are pleased to issue an invitation for the forthcoming British Internationals to be held in Merthyr Glamorgan between 20th – 22nd May 2022.
Whilst we congratulate the selected players we are mindful of the terrific effort many of the other youth players have put into the England Darts system over the past 12 months, and we want to assure them that their efforts and support have not been overlooked, we intend to continue to monitor their progress at our events over the next 12 months, when we next revisit selection time for the 2023 British International squads.
Luke Littler (Cheshire) (Capt.)
Thomas Banks (Hertfordshire)
Archie Self (Sussex)
Charlie Manby (Yorkshire)
Standby player Cayden Smith (Worcestershire)
Amy Evans (Cheshire) (Capt.)
Paige Pauling (Sussex)
Standby player Ella Williams (Berkshire)
On behalf of England Darts
Tommy Thompson
Isle of Man Festival of Darts 2022
THURSDAY EVENING - Visit Isle of Man Classic
FRIDAY DAYTIME - Darts Corner Isle of Man Masters
FRIDAY EVENING - Isle of Man Event Services Mixed Pairs
SATURDAY DAYTIME - one80 Isle of Man Open
SATURDAY AFTERNOON - Isle of Man Open Youth
SUNDAY MORNING - Isle of Man Steam Packet Pairs
Men's Pairs - Doors open at 8:30 am; Register by 9 am; Play commences at 9:30 am.
Women's Pairs - Doors open at 9 am; Register by 9:30 am; Play commences immediately after registration closes.
Estimated start time: 3 pm.
The finals will be streamed on the England Darts YouTube channel from 3 pm. Visit:
England Ladies County Rankings Round 3 Feb 28
The England County Rankings Ladies are now updated.
England are being asked by numerous players as to the reason why they are not included into the Rankings despite putting in terrific performances, in fact one lady would have definitely been included into the forthcoming England International team taking part in the British Internationals in Wales in May, but her county chose not to be a member of England Darts, therefor sadly this chance of a lifetime for her, has this year passed her by, and as her county remains a none member possibly future years.
The simple truth is if you are not in the club, you can't expect to reap the benefits of the club which members are entitled to.
Each County was given the opportunity of being included into England Darts, there were several reminders sent out before the closing date.
It is impossible for England to contact all players individually and make them aware of their own Counties decisions, however we have made it possible for players who are unaware of their counties decision, to be included by making themselves direct members of England, which will protect their performances and ambitions.
Membership also offers up to £100 in event discounts and inclusion into the monthly members draw, discount on darts equipment, with an added incentive of us offering the winner of this month’s draw held tonight 4 tickets to the Lakeside World Championships in April.
England Classic Festival of Darts 2022
To all our Member Counties and players.
England Darts are pleased to announce some great news for all our members, as we have secured a venue for the England Classic Darts Festival this coming September between the 23rd – 25th in the South West of England in Ilfracombe, at the Ilfracombe Holiday Park, Marlborough Road.
This will be the first time England Darts has staged an event in this area of England. We hope this initiative will open up opportunities for players in particular from Devon, Cornwall, West of England and Somerset in particular to take part in a World Ranking event in their area, along with the players who always support our events from other areas of the UK and abroad.
England Darts has always been open to staging events anywhere in England, previously staging World Ranking and International events in Lancashire (Southport Pontins), Cheshire (Stockport, Sale Leisure) , West Midlands (Ricoh Coventry), Humberside (Hull Arena), North Yorkshire (Bridlington Spa), West Sussex (Selsey Bunn Leisure), Yorkshire (Halifax & Bradford), plans in place to go to Lincolnshire (Skegness), Lancashire (Fleetwood), Lancashire (Blackpool Norbreck).
We have also staged England Grand Prix Youth events all around England, so it only seem fair finally to be able to offer our members in the South West opportunities that in the past they have had to travel to.
Although this is just a basic announcement at this time, the details of prize monies, ranking status, additional events to the England Classic Darts Festival over the weekend, price of apartments (which I might add are top of the range and luxurious), and the facilities available from England and the management of the Holiday Park, we do hope that everyone will come on board with this very exciting opportunity for England Darts and their members.
Member Players Information Face Book Page
Sadly and quite unbelievebly we have a very small minority of players, whose only agenda is not in the best interests of our sport or England Darts and our continuing efforts to facilitate events and opportunities for all the players.

England Ladies County Rankings Round 2 Feb 22
These are the updated Rankings after Round 2 of the England County Rankings. Next Round of Matches takes place 26th & 27th Feb 22.

England County Rankings Round 2
Hopefully this season will give us a more in depth analysis of the performances our players are registering in the England County Rankings table.
For International selection purposes, England maintains the need for players to play regularly in the Counties National League, therefor we are insisting as a matter of support for the "National League" and to maintain the structure of County Darts, that any player must attain at least 6 matches within 2022.
We understand there are many alternatives available to players, but our over-riding concern has to be County Darts.
The 6 matches’ criteria will allow players the flexibility of managing their aspirations where ever they ply their trade.
This year we have modified our criteria where a player for instance attaining 8 or more county matches will lose their worst and best performances, once again to highlight a players normal performances, this will give the selection process a balanced view, whilst analysing the County data.
Players with only 6 Rounds of information will carry all their statistics forward.
Whilst all players whose counties are members of England are included into the County Ranking Tables, only players who are Gold members by 1st September 2022, will be considered for International recognition.
Players who are currently Silver, Bronze or Associate members can upgrade to Gold status, and new players can show their support for England Darts by becoming members,
Due to the mountain of work currently facing us, getting ready for the IOM and Open, and us not being aware of the Counties who retained membership until 7th Feb, I will attempt to get the Ladies uploaded by this weekend
The selected teams for the 2022 British Internationals will be available very shortly.
Please get your entries in for the IOM only a couple of weeks left.
County Membership Extension

The Viking Cup

Welcome back Surrey County Darts
Isle of Man 2022 Festival of Darts
Happy New Year

We Welcome back into the England Family of Darts our good friends from County Durham.
Merry Christmas To Our Members

England Ladies County Rankings Round 5
The Ladies England County Rankings Round 5 has now been completed. Although we have had to weather the Covid pandemic this year, as originally we would have completed the usual 9 matches, we have nevertheless been able to arrive at a final table for 2021.
There were a total of 357 Lady players in the table, which includes players who are members of a county who in turn are members of England Darts, along with the individual player’s memberships from associate members to Gold status memberships, who qualified as of the conclusion of matches played on 12th December 2021.
We all begin from scratch in January, and this year we hope if all things are running normally, that the England County Rankings will revert back to the original situation, where a players best 6 games will count towards the direct International qualifications.
Unfortunately we have had to make the best of the truncated season, where our only option was to use all the possible 5 games, which we do take on board, doesn’t help players who have been unable to attend certain of the 5 scheduled matches through sickness, and government restrictions on a positive test for Covid, or in fact fell foul of another county cancelling a match.
We cannot stress how important it is that all players contact their associated counties executives from 1st January 2022 to identify whether they are members of The England Darts Organisation, if they find out they are not the players who wish to be identified into the England County Rankings, should make themselves an England playing individual member.
Only statistics gained at County matches will count when that player becomes a member, they will not have their county matches included into the County Ranking tables, retrospectively.
Although we don’t look at any players who don’t meet the above criteria, it has come to light that three players who didn’t fit the criteria because their county chose not to be members of England, would in one instance absolutely qualified for the England International Team next May, with two others having a realistic chance through the selection process to be held in the next couple of weeks.
Sadly missed opportunities which could change their careers may not come back again.
England County Men's Rankings Round 5 Update
The Men’s England County Rankings Round 5 has now been completed. Although we have had to weather the Covid pandemic this year, as originally we would have completed the usual 9 matches, we have nevertheless been able to arrive at a final table for 2021.
There were a total of 984 men players in the table, which includes players who are members of a county who in turn are members of England Darts, along with the individual player’s memberships from associate members to Gold status memberships, who qualified as of the conclusion of matches played on 12th December 2021.
We all begin from scratch in January, and this year we hope if all things are running normally, that the England County Rankings will revert back to the original situation, where a players best 6 games will count towards the direct International qualifications.
Unfortunately we have had to make the best of the truncated season, where our only option was to use all the possible 5 games, which we do take on board, doesn’t help players who have been unable to attend certain of the 5 scheduled matches through sickness, and government restrictions on a positive test for Covid, or in fact fell foul of another county cancelling a match.
We cannot stress how important it is that all players contact their associated counties executives from 1st January 2022 to identify whether they are members of The England Darts Organisation, if they find out they are not the players who wish to be identified into the England County Rankings, should make themselves an England playing individual member.
Only statistics gained at County matches will count when that player becomes a member, they will not have their county matches included into the County Ranking tables, retrospectively.
Although we don’t look at any players who don’t meet the above criteria, it has come to light that three players who didn’t fit the criteria because their county chose not to be members of England, would in one instance absolutely qualified for the England International Team next May, with two others having a realistic chance through the selection process to be held in the next couple of weeks.
Sadly missed opportunities which could change their careers may not come back again.
British Internationals 2022
The Tri-Nations Darts are pleased announce that the 2022 British Internationals will be held in Wales between 20-22nd May 2022. Full details of venue, tickets etc, will appear shortly on all the countries websites, and social media platforms.
Players International contracts will be sent out shortly by England to the already qualified players, through the County Ranking Table and International Trial event, the selection team will select the remaining successful players, and again all players must be England Gold Members.
Norfolk Return to England Darts
We would like to wish all the players and officials a happy return to the England Family of Darts.
Thankyou for your support.
For details on Joining England Darts contact by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
England Memberships Due
To England County Members,
Firstly on behalf of the Directors of England Darts we would like to thank you for your continued support of England Darts, despite the difficulties we have all faced over of the last 12 months+ with the covid restrictions due to the world pandemic.
We would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy and successful new year, and please keep yourselves safe during the next few difficult weeks and beyond.
It has particularly a difficult time for us in performing all the preparation work in the hope of our events being able to take place, only to see all our efforts being in vain.
The Lakeside World Championships next month have also fallen foul to the continuing problems; as members of the W.D.F it is our opinion that all efforts should be made to assist them in their attempts to re-schedule the event at the earliest possible time.
The WDF contacted the three home countries with the a proposal that they were given by Eurosport/Discovery Channels and Lakeside on a re-scheduled date, however the date given to them was the date we had in the calendar for the 2022 British Internationals, it is imperative that we assist them to maintain the delivery of a World Championship, after the recent debacle surrounding the event, and the credibility of our darts globally.
It was unanimously agree that we would find another date for the 2022 British Internationals, and we are now in negotiations to resolve this situation at the earliest possible suitable date.
It is a 100% a priority from all the Tri-Nation Member Countries that the event will run in 2022, and as near to the original date as possible.
As you will be aware the 1st January each calendar year is when the England membership renewal is due. The current fee for renewing or a new membership request is £250.
Applications for membership from counties, who are not members in 2022, will in 2023 have an additional membership application fee to pay, along with the yearly membership fee.
We fully agree that elected executives of Counties make the decisions they feel is in the best interests of their members, and will not interfere in this right.
We would however implore all counties who are not renewing their England membership, to make their members aware of their decision, either in their internal communications or on their website, as your decision will have direct implications on all your players being involved in any consideration during the International selection process.
It became known to us during last year that many Counties who didn’t renew in 2021, didn’t inform their members of that decision, which cannot be in their best interests and unfair, and this lack of clarity from these counties directly prevented them from making alternative arrangements of their own.
We are aware that at least three players with a realistic chance of gaining International recognition will not feature in the selection process in the next couple of weeks as a direct result of their associated county not being members of England Darts.
As organisers of darts in England we are all doing our best to give all our players as many options in our sport as possible and natural justice would seem to be that all the players in England are aware of their options going forward from day 1.
For a County with just 100 members the England membership equates to 5p per week per player, a no brainer really, but again your choice.
We have this year produced a brand new website, where we keep everyone informed of our activities, along with the membership benefits, it also includes up to date ranking tables for our events and county, we regularly maintain our social media platforms on virtually a daily basis.
England Darts facebook.
*** For Information.
The England County Rankings will be updated following the 2022 January scheduled matches, only Counties who are members of England Darts in 2022 will have their players included into our County Ranking table, there will be “no” retrospective inclusions for counties who don’t renew by the deadline of 31st January 2022, their players will not have their records included with any games completed in January.
For details on payment options please contact:
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World Play-Off Details

England Ladies County Rankings Round 4
The positions are constantly changing round by round, as the players attempt to get the two International places for the British Internationals to be held 1st April, 2022 in Skegness.
Another terrific performance from Trina Gulliver last weekend puts her in poll position currently.
Players will only be issued an International invitation on becoming a Gold playing member of England, there is only one round of county matches remaining before the cut off in December for selection.
The December member’s free draw for darts equipment will take place tomorrow.
To become a member go to the main page on the England website and go to members tab.
England Mens County Rankings updated Round 4
The positions are constantly changing round by round, as the players attempt to get the two International places for the British Internationals to be held 1st April, 2022 in Skegness.
Players will only be issued an International invitation on becoming a Gold playing member of England, there is only one round of county matches remaining before the cut off in December for selection.
The December member’s free draw for darts equipment will take place tomorrow.
To become a member go to the main page on the England website and go to members tab.
World Championship Qualifying Competition
There will be no admission charge for spectators/family/friends who want to watch the

England Open Festival of Darts 2022
The 2022 England Open Festival of Darts will be held in conjunction with Pontins Brean Sands between 8th - 11th July 2022.
I would like to thank Tournament Director Jean Haywood for securing this new venture for us with Pontins, at what has been a break-neck time scale, in order to protect our World Ranking England Open for the future.
We would like to thank Bunn Leisure for their support over many years, and look forward to a bright and successful future going forward with Pontins.
Details on Chalet/Accommodation rates etc. will be available shortly through the Pontins booking office, and players are reminded that they must use the Darts Code when booking to identify who is attending on behalf of the darts, even if you are only coming as a spectator rather than entering the events.
We are finalising the Darts schedules for the Festival, and they will be updated when available.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts
World Darts Federation - World Qualification Competition
The Lakeside Country Club will host the World Darts Federation's World Qualifiers on Sunday 5th December 2021.
This unique World qualifying competition consists of separate Men, Ladies, Boys & Girls events each securing places into the Eurosport TV Stages of the Lakeside World Championships starting on 1st January 2022.
Due to the ongoing covid restrictions in place in certain countries around the globe, the event this year will be open to all players (other than 128 PDC Tour Card Holders).
The Men's champion will receive £50,000 with the Ladies a record breaking £25,000.
For the first time in the history of the Lakeside World Championships all the finals will be played as a finals day on 9th January 2022, and will feature youth boys and girls finals on stage.
Tickets & Accommodation Packages for the WDF Lakeside World Darts Championships are on sale now via
England Darts are not running this event but like the Tri-Nations are assisting The World Darts Federation in the promotion of the event, and as such there will be no event discounts applied through the online entry system.
As soon as players enter, they are automatically included in the event Alpha List, accessible through the England Darts Online Entry System's Event Information page.
Click here for Online Entry
There is a non-refundable policy on entry fees other than if the event is cancelled by the WDF.
Anyone who has qualified through the England Regional qualifiers need not enter through the online system, they will automatically be entered, justifying England's ongoing promotion of the World Qualifiers throughout the past few months.
To read the WDF's News article please visit
England Youth Grand Prix - Grand Finals
Another terrific day at the 3rd England Youth Grand Prix, grand finals at the GER Club in March, Cambridgeshire.
Although this year has been a bit stop start having to deal with the Covid Virus, nevertheless the 24 finalists once again produced a high calibre finals day.
On the conclusion of the round robin rounds, the final 8 Boys and 4 Girls moved into the knock-out stages of the event.
First game matched the tallest and smallest players in the event, Sussex’s Tavis Dudeney who has been playing really well reaching the final of the England Open Youth the other week, and Callum Beddow from Cleveland, a very close game saw Callum just getting over the winning line 3-2 with Tavis (73.26) as opposed to Callum’s slightly better average at (74.79).
Match 2, was another terrific tussle going to the very last leg once again, with Hertfordshire’s Thomas Banks prevailing 3-2 in the decider against Yorkshire’s Cayden Smith, once again another set of fantastic averages (80.01) for Thomas and (71.70) for Cayden.
Archie Self from Berkshire ran out a 3-0 winner over Clwyd’s Cole Davey and in the process recorded the best running average of the day so far (85.08), but despite defeat Cole produced a great game (71.49).
The final game of the knock-out round of the boys was the best of the round with Yorkshire’s Leighton Bennett hitting a magnificent (95.94) in his 3-0 win over Buckinghamshire’s Leo Beechey who recorded the highest losing average of the day (78.93)
The Girls Semi-Final Knock-out stage brought together Lancashire Eleanor Cairns, and England Open Girls Champion from Sussex Paige Pauling, it was the Lancashire lass who prevailed 3-1 recording a (57.63) average against (53.22) for Paige.
A similar score line in the second semi-final with Cheshire’s Amy Evans (51.63) win over Berkshire’s Ella Williams (48.39)
On to the boys semi’s, the standard of which would grace any stage anywhere at darts, Thomas Banks (80.52) in his 4-1 Win over Callum Beddow (77.94). Not for the first time in his short career Leighton Bennet joined the hundred club as he recorded a magnificent (103.32) average in a high quality game against Archie Self (84.09)
The girls final saw Amy Evans race into a 2-0 lead, only for Eleanor to reel off the final three legs to take the title, and as the averages highlighted a very close encounter (60.84) Eleanor and Amy (59.58).
The boys final was a testament the value of the England Grand Prix system, with all seven legs being completed in 17 darts or less, there was no finish below 32, and once again Leighton for the third game of the finals hit a 90+ average (94.23) with Thomas contributing amazingly to a really exciting grand final and hitting a (85.14). Leg scores 17-14-14-16-15-17-16.
There is no doubting the quality on show today and during the last 12 months of the event.
I would like to thank the Management and staff at the GER Club in March, Cambridgeshire for once again hosting the event for us, to all the mums and dads, to Bradley, Dave, Paul, Deta unsung heroes of The England Youth Grand Prix, thanks to Cambridgeshire Chairman Tony Barnes for MC’ ing all the stage finals, also to our new England Director Tommie Coleman for the stream. Sincere thanks to England Darts officials and their Directors for all the work behind the scenes in keeping this fairly new initiative in the calendar, for the benefits of Youth Darts. One thing is for certain it is helping to produce the next generation of top flight players for the Sport of Darts.
England County Rankings Ladies Round 3
The Ladies England County Rankings Top 20.
Only Non PDC Tour Card Holders can qualify for International selection.
This qualifying table consist of over 350 England Member County players and associate members who attend any England event, however all players wishing to qualify for International selection through this table must become England Gold playing members.
The table takes each players 3 dart county match average plus 1 point for a win.
Memberships can be made through our website online shop.
England County Rankings Men Round 3
The Mens England County Rankings Top 20.
Only Non PDC Tour Card Holders can qualify for International selection.
This qualifying table consist of over 900 England Member County players and associate members who attend any England event, however all players wishing to qualify for International selection through this table must become England Gold playing members.
The table takes each players 3 dart county match average plus 1 point for a win.
Memberships can be made through our website online shop.
Youth Grand Prix - Grand Finals Championships
The Youth Grand Prix Series comes to its conclusion on Sunday 14th November 2021, at the G.E.R Sports and Social Club, March. Cambridgeshire.
The doors will open at 10.00am will play to start at 12.00 Noon.
The Prize Money is as follows:
Boys Champion £300
Boys Runner/Up £150
Boys Semi’s £75
Boys Quarters £50
Boys Last 16 £25
Girls Champion £150
Girls Runner/Up £75
Girls Semi’s £25
Total Prize Fund £1425.00
Thank you for all the kind donations towards the Grand Prix Final Prize Fund.
Thank you to Dave Dudeney, Bradley Kirk, Paul James and Deta Hedman, for all their help in organising the series during the year, not forgetting the most important people the kids and mums and dads.
Good luck to everyone.
Lakeside World Championship Play-Off
Below you can find all the information needed regarding the WDF World Open:
Date and Location:
The WDF World Open will take place on Saturday 4 December in ‘De Bonte Wever’ in Assen. This is the same venue as hosts the Dutch Open Darts. On Sunday 5 December the WDF World Championship Qualifiers will take place. For more information about the qualifiers, click here.
You can register for the WDF World Open by clicking here. It is possible to register for the WDF World Championship Qualifiers at the same time. Registration will close on Tuesday 30 November at midnight.
WDF World Open Entry fee:
Men’s singles €25,-
Women’s singles €25,-
Boys singles €10,-
Girls singles €10,-
If you would like to book a room in ‘De Bonte Wever’ click here. On the website of ‘De Bonte Wever’ you can find special packages for all players and fans.
Prize money:
The prize money for the WDF World Open is as follows:
Men Gold
Winner €3000
Runner-up €1500
Semi-final €750
Quarter-final €375
Last 16 €190
Last 32 €100
last 64 €50
Women Gold
Winner €1500
Runner-up €750
Semi-final €375
Quarter-final €190
Last 16 €100
Last 32 €50
Total Adults: €17.580
Winner €200
Runner-up €100
Semi-final €50
Quarter-final €25
Winner €100
Runner-up €50
Semi-final €25
Total Youth: €700
Total prize money WDF World Open €18.280
All the prize money will be paid by bank transfer for practical and security reasons.
Tournament format:
Start 501, best of 5 legs
L64 501, best of 7 legs
QF 501, best of 7 legs
SF 501, best of 9 legs
Final 501, best of 11 legs
Starts 501, best of 5 legs
L32 501, best of 7 legs
QF 501, best of 7 legs
SF 501, best of 7 legs
Final 501, best of 9 legs
Boys & Girls
Start 501, best of 5 legs
Final 501, best of 7 legs
Draw & Seeding:
Seeding will take place in accordance with the WDF Main Table, version Wednesday 24 November 2021. The draw will be published on Thursday 2 December.
All players must pick up their players card, in the venue, one hour before the start of the tournament on Saturday 4 December.
Rules and regulations:
You can find the rules and regulations by clicking here. If not mentioned in the document, the General Game Rules of the Dutch Darts Association (NDB) apply and these are in compliant with the WDF playing and tournament rules. These rules can be found on the website of the NDB or WDF.
Email us:
With the current knowledge, it looks like we can organize both tournaments in a ‘normal’ way. However, no one can look into the future and therefore the organization reserves the right to cancel both tournaments at any time if the organization are unable to continue in a normal or appropriate manner due to Covid-19 measures. If both events cannot take place due to Covid-19, the full registration fee will be refunded to the person who has booked.
Current Covid-19 info:
- Travelling to the Netherlands from abroad. In many cases, a negative covid-19 test is necessary, even if you are fully vaccinated. Additional measures may apply to persons from various countries, such as entry restrictions and/or mandatory quarantine. The latest info about visiting the Netherlands form abroad can you find on this government website.
- Everyone aged 13 and over must show a Coronavirus entry pass to enter the venue. The latest info about Coronavirus entry pass can you find on this government website
England Open 2022
Sadly after 14 years, the new owners of Bunn Leisure, American based Cove Communities have made the decision that they will not associate their site in Selsey with any sporting events.
I received this news in a very matter a fact two minute phone call, I would have thought after 14 years we would have had an official communication from them, and that is the reason we have not reported this to you last week, however nothing has been sent to us, or in fact no prior notification that this was going to be their companies future policy towards us.
I would like to place on record our sincere thanks to the previous management of Bunn Leisure, Neil, Pete Treagust, Ian, Steph and the entire bar staff, the support staff, in fact everyone over the years who have made us all feel like part of their family, it is without doubt the most rewarding partnership I have had the pleasure of being part of in my whole darting career.
Whilst it is a big setback to England Darts following on from the Pandemic, nevertheless we have to source an alternative venue for our Open next June, an event which we will definitely stage, hopefully as a Gold but definitely as a Silver Weekend.
Please just give us some time, to investigate the future possibilities to continue with this iconic event in the WDF calendar for 2022 and onwards.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts
England National Trial Winners
This inaugural England Darts Organisation International trial proved a massive success of showcasing quality darts.
Whilst it is fair to say we were unsure as to the support this first event would receive, with the reluctance of players worries about health around big Darts events, nevertheless we couldn’t have been more thrilled that the event with a tournament average of fractions below 80 (79.94) brought together a class field of competitors who to a man or women wanted to secure the England National place in the British Internationals this coming April, in Skegness.
My heart went out to Josh Richardson who hit a 180 to leave 24 when his match against young Connor Scutt was all level in sets and legs going into the decider, only to see Connor hit one of the finishes of the event under extreme pressure 60, 60 double 5 for a 130 check out to secure his invitation, such was the minuscule margin between the players.
Three 15 dart legs in the deciding set for Arron Monk saw him narrowly win against Stephen Burton to secure his International selection and emulate his father Colin Monk as a full England International.
The ladies event saw two of the top ladies in England Darts securing a grand finals place, after a thrilling tussle Lorraine Winstanley came out the winner over Deta with both girls putting in quality performances of over 80+ averages in a thrilling final. Notably Deta had a tournament running average of 79.30 the highest in the Ladies championships.
We would like to thank all the players who participated in the event, and event which was included into the England calendar, to try and identify players who on current form would enhance the quality of the England National team, especially after the 18 months of inactivity on our darts, due to the Covid Pandemic. We are also very mindful that some counties didn’t renew their membership, and it was important that England Darts catered for the players who were left out in the cold on the previous system, but nevertheless are 100% committed to supporting England Darts and proud to wear the National Shirt.
A full list of results and performances can be found on Darts Connect under the WDF logo.
Thanks to all concerned for giving England the opportunity of including this event into the British Open Championships, to the officials of Scotland and Wales along with David at Darts Connect for their assistance in running the event and sharing their equipment with us.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts
England Youth Grand Prix Harrogate
England County Ladies Rankings
After two rounds of Inter-County Darts we have a leader board of the top twenty players.
The England County Rankings are used to select the England International Teams, with the Points proviso that players will only be considered from this table if they are themselves a full Playing Member of England, and are not a 128 Tour card holder.
Players can join England and become full members by visiting Online services - members.
Ranking | County | Name | Surname | Wins | Points |
1 | Hampshire | Jane | Monaghan | 1 | 144.17 |
2 | Hertfordshire | Louise | Pearson | 2 | 143.35 |
3 | Hampshire | Corrine | Hammond | 2 | 142.28 |
4 | Cheshire | Vicky | Pruim | 1 | 142.12 |
5 | Devon | Maria | O'Brien | 2 | 137.58 |
6 | Warwickshire | Natalie | Gilbert | 2 | 137.08 |
7 | Salopian | Evonne | Taylor | 2 | 135.02 |
8 | Lincolnshire | Trina | Gulliver | 0 | 132.74 |
9 | Yorkshire | Rachel | Brooks | 1 | 131.85 |
10 | Dorset | Cathy | Campbell | 2 | 131.74 |
11 | Lincolnshire | Paula | Jacklin | 2 | 130.98 |
12 | Suffolk | Jo | Locke | 2 | 129.25 |
13 | Hertfordshire | Danielle | Fry | 1 | 126.98 |
14 | Lincolnshire | Shelley | Bontoft-Gash | 2 | 126.79 |
15 | Salopian | Sarah | Roberts | 2 | 125.68 |
16 | Hampshire | Pennie | Lewis | 2 | 125.35 |
17 | Hampshire | Sue | Lowther | 2 | 123.67 |
18 | Warwickshire | Sue | Gulliver | 2 | 123.55 |
19 | Cheshire | Amy | Evans | 2 | 123.33 |
20 | Lincolnshire | Mandy | Smith | 2 | 122.35 |
England County Rankings Men
After two rounds of Inter-County Darts we have a leader board of the top twenty players.
The England County Rankings are used to select the England International Teams, with the Points proviso that players will only be considered from this table if they are themselves a full Playing Member of England, and are not a 128 Tour card holder.
Players can join England and become full members by visiting Online services - members.
County | Name | Surname | Wins | Points |
Dorset | Scott | Mitchell | 2 | 188.31 |
Lancashire | Scott | Taylor | 2 | 183.72 |
Cheshire | Luke | Littler | 2 | 182.06 |
Warwickshire | Jamie | Atkins | 2 | 181.66 |
Essex | Richie | Howson | 2 | 181.39 |
Dorset | Mark | Grimes | 2 | 181.06 |
Cheshire | Bradley | Brooks | 2 | 180.05 |
Hampshire | Chas | Barstow | 1 | 179.81 |
Suffolk | Andrew | Gilding | 2 | 176.76 |
Lancashire | Gary | Jackson | 2 | 176.62 |
Suffolk | Ryan | Meikle | 1 | 176.45 |
Yorkshire | Tom | Sykes | 1 | 176.30 |
Lancashire | Adam | Huckvale | 2 | 176.16 |
Hertfordshire | Jarred | Cole | 2 | 176.03 |
Yorkshire | Carl | Wilkinson | 1 | 174.96 |
Cornwall | Rob | Rubbery | 2 | 174.87 |
Sussex | Harry | Jackson | 2 | 174.67 |
Lancashire | Kevin | Garcia | 2 | 173.49 |
Warwickshire | Noel | Grant | 1 | 173.39 |
Essex | Phil | Halls | 2 | 172.65 |
England Regional World Championship Qualifier

Lakeside World Championship News and Details

Prize Fund | Men | Ladies | Boys | Girls |
Champions | £50,000 | £25,000 | £5,000 | £2,000 |
Runners/Up | £25,000 | £12,500 | £2,500 | £1,000 |
Semi/Finalists | £12,500 | £6,250 | £1,000 | |
Quarter/Finalists | £6,250 | £3,250 | ||
Last 16 | £3,250 | £2,000 | ||
Last 32 (Men) (Last 24 Ladies) | £2,000 | £1,000 | ||
Last 48 | £1,000 |
England Ladies County Rankings
Here is a list of the top twenty Ladies England County performances from the opening Inter-County matches held last week.
Warwickshire | Natalie | Gilbert | 75.15 | 1 | 76.15 |
Hampshire | Corrine | Hammond | 73.10 | 1 | 74.10 |
Lincolnshire | Trina | Gulliver | 70.08 | 0 | 70.08 |
Hampshire | Jane | Monaghan | 69.92 | 0 | 69.92 |
Cheshire | Vicky | Pruim | 68.39 | 1 | 69.39 |
Dorset | Cathy | Campbell | 67.53 | 1 | 68.53 |
Hertfordshire | Louise | Pearson | 67.50 | 1 | 68.50 |
Lincolnshire | Paula | Jacklin | 67.30 | 1 | 68.30 |
Yorkshire | Rachel | Brooks | 67.44 | 0 | 67.44 |
Hampshire | Sue | Lowther | 66.31 | 1 | 67.31 |
Devon | Maria | O'Brien | 66.31 | 1 | 67.31 |
Lincolnshire | Paula | Jacklin | 65.23 | 1 | 66.23 |
Dorset | Suzy | Trickett | 64.41 | 1 | 65.41 |
Hertfordshire | Louise | Pearson | 64.41 | 1 | 65.41 |
Lincolnshire | Trina | Gulliver | 63.22 | 1 | 64.22 |
Hampshire | Abi | Jurd | 64.00 | 0 | 64.00 |
Hampshire | Corrine | Hammond | 62.63 | 1 | 63.63 |
Suffolk | Sam | Kirton | 61.77 | 1 | 62.77 |
Hampshire | Pennie | Lewis | 61.77 | 1 | 62.77 |
Suffolk | Jo | Locke | 61.57 | 1 | 62.57 |
England County Rankings Update
After the first round of games in the new Inter-County season, Scott Mitchell heads the top 20 list of performances over the weekend with a terrific 104.71 (includes winning bonus point), 15 players had a 90+ average with John Burgess of Staffordshire putting in the best performance froma B team match, not taking into consideration Scott Mitchell with a very creditable 93.62.
Some notable names in the first England County Qaulification list, none more so than former World Champion John Walton of Yorkshire and Andrew Gilding of Suffolk, along with Scott Taylor back in the Red Rose county team.
Don't forget the England International Team Trial and qualifer for the World Championships will be held on Friday 15th october 1.00pm at the Spa in Bridlington, just before the British Open, entries can be made through the website or for the Trial, member discounts still apply.
I will be working on the Ladies after the weekend.
County | Name | Surname | Average | Win | Total |
Dorset | Scott | Mitchell | 103.71 | 1 | 104.71 |
Lancashire | Scott | Taylor | 98.04 | 1 | 99.04 |
Cheshire | Shaun | Wilkinson | 96.97 | 1 | 97.97 |
Suffolk | David | Ballard-Flatt | 96.97 | 1 | 97.97 |
Dorset (B) | Scott | Mitchell | 94.94 | 1 | 95.94 |
Cleveland | Kevin | Naunton | 93.34 | 1 | 94.31 |
Staffordshire (B) | John | Burgess | 92.62 | 1 | 93.62 |
Lincolnshire | Scott | Williams | 92.49 | 1 | 93.49 |
Yorkshire | John | Walton | 92.32 | 1 | 93.32 |
Suffolk | Ryan | Meikle | 91.45 | 0 | 91.45 |
Yorkshire | Dean | Norman | 89.91 | 1 | 90.91 |
Dorset | Mark | Grimes | 89.87 | 1 | 90.87 |
Lincolnshire | Thomas | Lovely | 89.73 | 1 | 90.73 |
Yorkshire | Kyle | Richardson | 89.24 | 1 | 90.24 |
Hertfordshire | James | Daley | 89.03 | 1 | 90.03 |
Cornwall | Neil | Meneer | 88.90 | 1 | 89.90 |
Suffolk | Andrew | Gilding | 88.63 | 1 | 89.63 |
Essex | Richie | Howson | 88.61 | 1 | 89.61 |
Cheshire | Luke | Littler | 88.57 | 1 | 89.57 |
Essex | Phil | Halls | 88.33 | 1 | 89.33 |
British Open - Bridlington
The 46th British Open is to be held between 15th - 17th October 2021, and the Spa in Bridlington.
Entries can be made through the Trinations website
The Championships starts off on Friday 1.00pm with the brand new England International Trial, the winners of the events, will be included into the England National Teams, at the British Internationals next April, the trial also carries England Event Ranking points, and is a qualifier for the WDF Masters and World Championships.
Friday evening the Mens and Ladies Pairs are held, with the British Open Mens and Ladies Classic on Saturday, along with the brand new British Open Youth event.
Sunday is the iconic British Open Men's and Ladies Championships, followed by the Grand Finals Live on TV by 247TV.
The event is being sponsored by One80 and L Style.
World Championships Play-Off Basingstoke
This Sunday 26th September at the Altis Leisure Centre in Basingstoke, England Darts will be holding the first of their two County Regional play-offs for the Lakeside World Championships to be held in January 2022.
This is a unique opportunity for all players to start on the road to qualification into the TV Grand Finals. There have been a few enquiries lately on how players can participate. The event is open to all players no matter what age (except PDC Tour Card Holders for obvious reasons).
The different ways of entering are listed below.
Each member county can either run a play-off or nominate 1 man and 1 Lady for a free entry into the regional play-off (either Berkshire or Warwickshire not both) if you run a play-off you decide on the fee you want to charge and you keep all the money you generate from your play-off.
If any of your players either lose in your play-off you run, they can enter the one or both the regional play-offs for a second chance.
These entries can be made directly through the England Website, or if any of your players cannot make your play-off schedule night, they can also enter directly through the England website, to one or both the play-offs.
There are no restrictions on age.
The regional qualifiers also gain you places in the 2022 World Masters.
The final qualifying event will be in Coventry on 9th October 2021
Cath Cairns
Everyone involved in England Darts especially the youth section are completely shocked and saddened by the news just a few minutes ago, that one of our biggest supporters Cath Cairns has sadly and very unexpectedly passed away this morning.
Cath was ever present at all our youth grand prix events with her daughter Eleanor, who should have been making her county debut for Lancashire today.
This is very early news, and any updates will be posted as soon as available.
The Directors, Executives and family of England Darts pass on our sincerely and heartbroken wishes to all Cath’s family and friends.
On Behalf of England Darts.
Tommy Thompson
England Open Champions
Last week England ran their flagship event The England Open at our home of darts Selsey. The event was originally scheduled for June, but due to the Covid pandemic issues it was moved to September and for the first time in the history of Darts our event carried the new WDF Gold Ranking category with a direct place in the TV stages of the World Championships to be held at the Lakeside this coming January.
Deta created her own piece of history by taking the Open title for the third time (2013 & 2016), but she technically became the first WDF Gold Champion, with the ladies final being played prior to the Men’s, another first on her already impressive CV.
Congratulations to Belgium’s Brian Raman in becoming the England Open Men’s champion out of a field of more than 400 players, and like Deta takes his place on the Lakeside stage.
We would like to thank all the players who made the trip to Selsey in these very difficult times, in fact to our pleasant surprise, we broke all previous records for an event at Selsey in September, and only slightly less than our very best June event, despite missing many of our regular players from Europe.
Hopefully we will be able to welcome them back next year.
England Open Weekend - Streaming Link - Stage Finals
Stage finals are due to start at 15:00 on Sunday 12th September 2021 and can be viewed live on the England Darts YouTube Channel.
England Open Pairs 2021 - Drawsheets
The draws for the England Open Men's and Women's Pairs can be viewed using the links below.
Drawsheets for England Open and National Singles 2021
England National Singles 2021
Start of play 18:00 on Friday 10th September 2021
Men's Alpha list with Group Number
Women's Alpha list with Group Number
England Open 2021
Start of play 10:00 on Saturday 11th September 2021
Men's Alpha list with Group Number
Seedings for England Open and National Singles 2021
Seedings for the England Open and England National Singles 2021 are available for viewing at: Online Services - Event Information Page.
Seedings are based on WDF World Ranking Systems Criteria - Seniors
The WDF tables used for seeding are those that were valid on Wednesday 1st September 2021 per rule 9.03.
Tied positions have been dealt with in accordance with Rule 9.04.
England Youth GP Sussex
This sunday England Darts stages the Sussex Youth Grand Prix at Haywards Heath Social Club. Events for Youth Boys and Girls on a round robin system.
Venue Address - Haywards Heath Social Club 6 - 8 Wivelsfield Road RH16 4EG01444 455885
Enter via.
National Singles Upgraded by England

England Open 2021 Prize Structure
England Open Singles (W.D.F Gold Ranking Event) | |||||
Winners of both the Men's and Ladies Open will go directly into the TV stages of the W.D.F World Championships | |||||
Mens | Prize | Total Payout | Ladies | Prize | Total Payout |
Winner | £4,000 | £4,000 | Winner | £1,800 | £1,800 |
R/Up | £1,800 | £1,800 | R/Up | £900 | £900 |
Semi/Finalists | £900 | £1,800 | Semi/Finalists | £400 | £800 |
Quarter/Finalists | £350 | £1,400 | Quarter/Finalists | £175 | £700 |
Last 16 | £175 | £1,400 | Last 16 | £100 | £800 |
Last 32 | £100 | £1,600 | Last 32 | £25 | £400 |
Last 64 | £50 | £1,600 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Total Payout | £13,600 | Total Payout | £5,400 | ||
England Open Pairs | |||||
Mens | Prize | Total Payout | Ladies | Prize | Total Payout |
Winners | £1,000 | £1,000 | Winners | £500 | £500 |
R/Up | £500 | £500 | R/Up | £200 | £200 |
Semi/Finalists | £200 | £400 | Semi/Finalists | £80 | £160 |
Quarter/Finalists | £100 | £400 | Quarter/Finalists | £50 | £200 |
Last 16 | £50 | £400 | Last 16 | £20 | £160 |
Total Payout | £2,700 | Total Payout | £1,220 | ||
England Open Mixed 4's & Youth Open Grand Prix | |||||
Mixed 4's | Prize | Total Payout | Youth Open GP | Prize | Total Payout |
Winners | £400 | £400 | Winner | £150 | £150 |
R.Up | £200 | £200 | R/Up | £75 | £75 |
Semi/Finalists | £100 | £200 | Semi/Finalists | £25 | £50 |
Quarter/Finalists | £50 | £200 | Girls Winner | £50 | £50 |
Girls R/Up | £25 | £25 | |||
Total Payout | £1,000 | Total Payout | £350 | ||
England National Singles Open (W.D.F Silver Ranking) | |||||
Mens | Prize | Total Payout | Ladies | Prize | Total Payout |
Winner | £1500 | £1500 | Winner | £750 | £750 |
R/Up | £700 | £700 | R/Up | £350 | £350 |
Semi/Finalists | £350 | £700 | Semi/Finalists | £200 | £400 |
Quarter/Finalists | £175 | £700 | Quarter/Finalists | £75 | £300 |
Last 16 | £80 | £640 | Last 16 | £25 | £200 |
Last 32 | £35 | £560 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Total Payout | £4,800 | Total Payout | £2,000 |
England Open 2021 Schedule
Date | Events - White Horse Complex - Bunn Leisure - Selsey. | Doors Open | Start |
9th Sept | 45th British Pentathlon (Men's) Championship | 10.00am | 11.00am |
10th Sept | England National Singles Open (Men's & Ladies) | 12.00 Midday | 6.00pm |
11th Sept | England Open Singles (Men's & Ladies) | 8.30am | 10.00am |
11th Sept | England Open Youth Grand Prix (Boys & Girls Under 18) | 8.30am | 4.00pm |
11th Sept | England Open Mixed 4's | 8.30am | 4.00pm |
12th Sept | England Open Pairs (Men's & Ladies) | 8.30am | 10.30am |
12th Sept | England Open TV Stage Grand Finals (All singles Events) | 8.30am | 3.00pm |
England Youth Grand Prix Crewe

Bennett & Evans Win Tamworth England Grand Prix
Report - Dave Dudeney
Sunday 1st August saw the 2nd England Youth GP of the year held at the Belgrave Sports and Social Club in Tamworth a quality field of 30 players which included an impressive 10 girls.
Once the group stages were complete it threw up a very interesting knock out stage with the bottom half the draw made for a mouth-watering set of games. Derby finalists Eleanor Cairns went out at the last 16 stage along with Hannah Meek, Hannah narrowly missing out 3-2 to Joshua Bean. First of the stand out games in the bottom half saw Sussex pairing of Tavis Dudeney and Reece Pauling which saw Tavis coming out on top to set up the next big game in the quarter finals against Leighton Bennett. After a very tight game Leighton booked his place in the semi-finals.
A very strong semi-final saw Leighton Bennett against Luke Littler and the other semi-final saw two upcoming quality pairing of Sussex’s Archie Self taking on Hertfordshire’s Thomas Banks, with Archie going through 4-2. In the other semi semi-final Luke and Leighton didn’t disappoint with Leighton edging it 4-3.
The final didn’t disappoint and the score line may suggest a one sided affair but it was far from as both players pushed each other to the limit with Leighton winning 5-0 with a 29.13 (87.39) and Archie with a 24.98 (74.94).
In the girls knock out produced some great games which were no surprise with the quality on show. In the quarters Paige Pauling narrowly missed out going down 3-2 to Ella Williams, Lauren Stokoe who thankfully didn’t come off her scooter the day before and made this event which was the reason she missed out at Derby went down 3-2 to Amy Evens. The Battle of the O’Connor’s saw Krystal coming out triumphant against sister Emmie 3-0. The final game saw Hannah Meek defeating Eleanor Cairns 3-2. In the semi-finals saw another close game with Amy Evans booking her place in the final after edging out Ella Williams 3-2. In the other semi-final saw Hannah Meek book her place alongside Amy after a 3-0 win over Krystal. The final was a good close which saw all the legs seeing who could hold their nerve and hit them doubles first which proved to be Amy who came out victorious winning her first ever competition 3-1.
A massive thank you to all who was with us to make it a great day and to the Club for having us, also I must say a big thank you to Cliff O’Connor for his help during the day.
Next up is 15th August at the Coppenhall WMC in Crewe, Cheshire so let’s hope we get another great turn out.
Main GP Result from Knock out,
Eleanor Cairns 0-3 George Ripley
Archie Self 3-1 Jason Meek
Joshua Bean 3-2 Hannah Meek
Cole Davey 1-3 Thomas Banks
Evan Willoughby 3-0 Harvey Stringer
Luke Littler 3-2 Jenson Walker
Leighton Bennett 3-1 Cayden Smith
Tavis Dudeney 3-0 Reece Pauling
Quarter finals
George Ripley 1-3 Archie Self
Joshua Bean 2-3 Thomas Banks
Evan Willoughby 1-3 Luke Littler
Leighton Bennett 3-1 Tavis Dudeney
Archie Self 4-2 Thomas Banks
Luke Littler 3-4 Leighton Bennett
Archie Self 0-5 Leighton Bennett
Girls knockout,
Rosie O’Connor 1-3 Eleanor Cairns
Ashleigh Turner 1-3 Hannah Meek
Quarter finals
Paige Pauling 2-3 Ella Williams
Lauren Stokoe 2-3 Amy Evans
Emmie O’Connor 0-3 Krystal O’Connor
Eleanor Cairns 2-3 Hannah Meek
Ella Williams 2-3 Amy Evans
Krystal O’Connor 0-3 Hannah Meek
Amy Evens 3-1 Hannah Meek
Tamworth England Youth Grand Prix
Fantastic news from the World Darts Federation that this year’s World Championships at the Lakeside will include a Girls World Championship on stage at the famous Lakeside Country Club, the “Home” of darts.
Whilst it took 23 years before the value of the Ladies in our sport was recognised, it has taken 44 years for the girls to have the opportunity of becoming a World Champion.
I would like to personally thank all at the World Darts Federation, in particular Deta Hedman who has lobbied the powers at be for this well overdue recognition, and a recognition which finally means our darts encompasses all ages and all genders of our sport.
Thanks also to Richard Ashdown and Nick Rolls, for being the liaison between the executive and the countries of which England’s feels they made a significant contribution to this “Historical and Unique” initiative.
England’s Youth Grand Prix will be a qualifier for the Girls World Championships in 2022 and with 6 events still in the calendar, and open to all and any girls under the age of 18, this really is a chance of a lifetime, and open accessible through England Darts.
The first of these events is being held this coming Sunday at Tamworth and the online entry is open through the England website goto online services.
Venue Address Belgrave Sports & Social Club - Wilnecote Lane - Belgrave - Tamworth B77 2LF
Register 10.30 - 11.30am.
Andy Fordham, RIP
It is with deep sadness that we have to report that former England International, Andy Fordham has passed away earlier today.
Everyone involved with England Darts passes on their condolences to Jenny, their children and grandchildren.
Andy represented England 34 times and recorded 21 victories, he also played in six WDF World Cups and three WDF Europe Cups and he was part of the1995 record breaking England World Cup team that won every Gold Medal, Andy won the pairs with Martin Adams.
When Andy was in a darting venue you always knew where he was as he would be surrounded by fans and players alike and the area would be full of laughter.
The darting world, literally all over the world will be mourning one of our game's greatest characters today and there will be some great memories and tributes for him.
Andy, it was a pleasure to have known you and someone who I will always remember fondly.
RIP Andy ‘The Viking’ Fordham.
Peter Melton
Cleveland Youth Grand Prix Cancelled
We are sorry to announce that the Cleveland Youth Grand Prix that was due to take place in Thornaby has been cancelled.
England Youth Grand Prix
On Sunday 1st August, England will hold two Youth Grand Prix events, one in Tamworth, Staffordshire and one in Thornaby Cleveland. Both these events will carry a £300 prize fund and both will enable players to gain ranking points in their quest to qualify for the England National Youth Grand Finals in Cambridgeshire, along with the possibility of being awarded places in the World Darts Federations World Masters, and World Championship Grand Finals held at the Lakeside in early January 2022.
England darts are the only organisation which uniquely caters for boys and girls events in separate sections for qualification into World Events sanctioned by the World Darts Federation.
All players under 18 are welcome whatever affiliations they may have, whether they are current members or just wanting to come along and test their abilities on a one off.
Entry for both events can be made through the England Website online services tab, and can be completed quite easily. The Discounts for membership have been made automatic, with the proviso that any youth players can become a member prior to entering the events to also receive the discounted entry and entry into the monthly prize draw.
Youth Grand Prix Poole Cancelled
England Darts has been informed that there has been positive covid tests from the venue of the Youth Grand Prix in Derby last weekend.
England Darts has a duty of care to the children and parents who support our events; therefor we are cancelling this coming weekends Youth Grand Prix at Poole.
We do apologise for any inconvenience this has caused, but like all community activities, protecting the health and welfare of the children, has and always will be our overriding concern, especially with our children having no protection from vaccinations.
We will refund all entry fees from the event, and hope to organise in conjunction with the management of the club in Poole for an alternative date.
Please keep safe everyone, until we can meet up again.
Thanks for your concerns
Tommy Thompson
Chairman England Darts Organisation 08.07.21
England Youth Grand Prix Poole Dorset
The 2nd event in this year’s England Youth Grand Prix moves to Poole in Dorset this coming Sunday, at the Branksome & Upper Parkstone Conservative Club.
The event is open to all youth players under 18, and features separate sections for boys and girls as well as a mixed event all on a round robin basis, so all the kids have several games on the day, rather than a straight Knock-out.
The Grand Prix is an ideal opportunity, for all youth players to start on their darts careers, and making new and lasting friendships through a family based darts environment.
There is £300 prize money on offer at each event, and the opportunity to progress to the all England Grand Finals of the Youth Grand Prix later in the year.
The England Youth Grand Prix, is a qualifier for the World Darts Federations, World Masters and World Championship.
The Grand Prix performances are used as part of the selection procedures for inclusion into the England National Team for the British Internationals, to be held in April 2022.
England Open 2021 Confirmed
England Darts invites all dart players to the fabulous White Horse complex at Bunn Leisure, in Selsey, for the World Iconic England Open.
The event caters for all standards of players from the ambitious of our sport, where success will guarantee a stage position in the 2022 World Darts Federations World Championships, along with qualification to the World Masters in December, to the occasional fun players who just love the atmosphere and camaraderie of meeting up with old friends, and love to play in Pairs and mixed events, to the up and coming stars of the future, our youth players starting their careers amongst some of the legends of our sport. Truly a darts for everyone, and the most enjoyable event in the darts calendar, for young and old alike.
Please make sure you book early to avoid disappointment, as many of our fellow countrymen are choosing holidays at home rather than abroad this year, so accommodation is at a premium.
Entries for all events can be made through our New Website goto online services tab, for members there is the usual discounted fee, and for non-members there is an opportunity of becoming a member and reducing the entry fees subject to T & C’s.
9th September 2021 (Thursday) British Men's Pentathlon
10th September 2021 (Friday) England National Singles Men's & Ladies Opens
11th September 2021 (Saturday) England Open Men's, Ladies and Youth
11th September 2021 (Saturday) England Open Mixed 4’s
12th September 2021 (Sunday) England Open Men's and Ladies Pairs
12th September 2021 (Sunday) Stage Televised Open and National Singles Grand Finals.
England Youth Grand Prix
Colin McClements

International Trials
England Darts will be holding a Trial for places in the British Internationals Championships to be held 1st - 3rd April, 2022. The member counties have the opportunity of entering 1 Man and 1 lady free of charge into the event as part of their membership T & C's.
The deadline for this opportunity terminates on 30th June 2021.
County Nominations should be sent into England Darts by County Officials and confirmation will be sent to each county.
The event is open to all players of English Nationality (except.128 Tour Card Holders)
The event also offers qualification into the WDF World Masters and World Championships.
For players not nominated by their Counties entry can be made through the England Website, (online services) members discounts apply again T & Cs apply.
England Youth Grand Prix
The 2021 England Youth Grand Prix series of events starts at the Cueball Club, Mansfield Road Derby DE21 4AW,
on Sunday 4th July.
The events comprise of a Round Robin Group system, with the winners qualifying for the knock-out stages of the events. The Robin Robin Groups are mixed, but the knock-out stages are separated into a Boys and Girls section championships, with point allocations towards the Grand Finals.
The number of events in the series has had to be reduced due to the Covid restrictions, despite these event reductions we are pleased to announce that our team of organisers have been able to secure the National Youth Grand Finals to be held at the GER Sports Club in March, Cambridgeshire on 14th November 2021.
A slight change in the process of entry this year, with our new website providing an online facility for all the events, please visit and the online services tab on the information bar.
This online process will enable the organisers to prepare the actual draw sheets for the events, prior to the players arriving at the venues.
Youth England members receive entry fee reductions at Youth Grand Prix events as well as entry into the monthly prize draws. Youth memberships will also entitle discounts on the senior England Ranking events for the very first time.
You can join the membership scheme through online services, as above.
Next Event: 11th July at The Branksome & Upper Parkstone Conservative Club, 271 Ashley Road Poole, Dorset BH14 9DS
Online Event Entry System
England Darts new Online Event Entry facility is now open for business.
Players are now able to complete entry and payments to The England Open Darts Festival to be held during 10th – 12th September 2021 at the Bunn Leisure White Horse Complex in Selsey West Sussex.
The England Open event is sanction by the W.D.F as a Gold Ranked Tournament with the winner of both the Men's and Ladies Championships gaining direct entry into stage finals of the W.D.F World Championships to be held in the new year.
For players who are already members of England there is an opportunity of securing discounts on all 4 singles championships during the Festival, alternatively players can become members before they place their entries and receive the same discounts. A full list of events and entry criteria can be found on the Event Information Page.
The England International Men’s and Ladies Trials for inclusion into the England International Team at the British Internationals will be available for entry from Wednesday 26th May at 20:00.
The event will be held in conjunction with the iconic British Open on Friday 15th October, 2021 at the Spa in Bridlington.
The two winners in addition will qualify for the WDF World Championships and World Masters to be held in December 2021. Discounts will apply for England members.
England v Russia - Sunday 11th April 2021
Online Youth international (Friendly)
History was made recently when the youth teams of England, Scotland and Wales played each other in the first ever British International Youth Online Challenge and whilst the main object was to give the youth players a different opportunity during the pandemic, we were delighted to see England take the title.
As this was deemed a great success for the youths, we are now pleased to announce that England have arranged Online Youth International Friendlies against both Russia and Hungary.
The first of these, International Friendlies will be played this Sunday when England and Russia will play a match, based on the four person teams that is played as part of the WDF World and Europe Cups, it will see each player playing all four players in the opposing team over just one leg of 501.
The England Team is made up of four players who played in the British International Youth Challenge and a further four players who will be representing England for the first time.
The girls team will be spearheaded by Beau Greaves who has an incredible record for England youth, having played a record breaking eight matches in the youth British Internationals, winning all eight matches, plus two further wins in the recent online challenge matches. She will be joined in the team by the new England Darts Diamond League Champion, Lauren Stokoe. Diamond League Runner Up Eleanor Cairns and Diamond League semi-finalist Rosie O’Connor make up the girls team.
Three of the Boys, Tavis Dudeney, Luke Littler and Nathan Potter all played for England in the recent Youth Challenge and they will be joined by Leo Beechey who will be making his first online appearance for England. Luke is the current Diamond League and Online GP champion, Tavis and Nathan are already seasoned regular players in senior County darts and Nathan started his International career with a 180 in his very first throw, Leo joins the team as he showed consistent performances in the Online GP and Diamond League events recently.
We wish them all the very best of luck against Russia.
2021 British International Youth Online Challenge
Congratulations to the England team on winning the British International Youth Challenge match over the weekend with a 5-1 win over Wales and a 4-2 win over Scotland.
P | W | D | L | F | A | PTS | +/- SETS | |
England | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 3 | 4 | +6 |
Scotland | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 7 | 1 | -2 |
Wales | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 1 | -4 |
It has been great to see players from all three Countries have the opportunity to represent their Countries, for some it will be their last appearances for the Youths and for others it will be the start of their International career.
We thank all the officials who have put in a lot of work to make this weekend happen. For England the next weekends will see them play online matches against Hungary and Russia.
England | v | Scotland | |||
Date | Player | Score | Player | Sets | |
20/03/2021 | Brad Phillips | 3-4 | Kyle Walker | 0 | 1 |
20/03/2021 | Tavis Dudeney | 4-0 | Josef Honeyman | 1 | 0 |
20/03/2021 | Shannon Reeves | 0-4 | Chloe O'Brien | 0 | 1 |
21/03/2021 | Beau Greaves | 4-0 | Sophie McKinlay | 1 | 0 |
21/03/2021 | Nathan Potter | 4-3 | Josh Leitch | 1 | 0 |
21/03/2021 | Luke Littler | 4-0 | Dean Fitch | 1 | 0 |
4 | 2 |
Scotland | v | Wales | |||
Date | Player | Score | Player | Sets | |
20/03/2021 | Chloe O'Brien | 4-0 | Stacey Davies | 1 | 0 |
20/03/2021 | Josh Leitch | 4-1 | Liam Butler | 1 | 0 |
20/03/2021 | Josef Honeyman | 3-4 | Cole Davey | 0 | 1 |
21/03/2021 | Sophie McKinlay | 4-1 | Ffion Leigh-James | 1 | 0 |
21/03/2021 | Dean Fitch | 2-4 | Ieuan Halsall | 0 | 1 |
21/03/2021 | Kyle Walker | 1-4 | Connor Hopkins | 0 | 1 |
3 | 3 |
Wales | v | England | |||
Date | Player | Score | Player | Sets | |
20/03/2021 | Stacey Davies | 0-4 | Shannon Reeves | 0 | 1 |
20/03/2021 | Cole Davey | 1-4 | Luke Littler | 0 | 1 |
20/03/2021 | Ieuan Halsall | 3-4 | Brad Phillips | 0 | 1 |
21/03/2021 | Liam Butler | 0-4 | Nathan Potter | 0 | 1 |
21/03/2021 | Connor Hopkins | 4-1 | Tavis Dudeney | 1 | 0 |
21/03/2021 | Ffion Leigh-James | 0-4 | Beau Greaves | 0 | 1 |
1 | 5 |
England Youth Squads Announced
England Darts are delighted to announce their Youth Team Squads for the forthcoming Youth International Friendlies versus Russia and Hungary.
On Sunday 11th April England Youth will play Russia in a WDF Team Format match, which consists of a Best of 17 leg match where each player plays each player in the opposing team over one leg (similar to the Six Nations format but just with 4 players).
The second International friendly sees England Youth take on Hungary Youth on Saturday 17th April. this will see an expanded format used in the British Internationals with 8 boys and 4 girls from each side taking part in this match.
The side for this match was selected from those who had competed in the Online Grand Prix Series and Diamond League Qualifiers and focuses on those mainly outside the England Youth side and those who may be involved in future years.
These matches will be steamed live on the England YouTube channel by TC Streams and while Full International Caps won't be awarded, players will be awarded Official Online Caps.
Youth Official Bradley Kirk states 'It is a great opportunity for these youngsters who have been supporting our events in these testing times. With the possibility of WDF International Events later in the year and lack of recent information to select the teams we have felt its important to provide Youth with opportunities as laid out in the Online Grand Prix Series, Diamond League and these Youth International Friendlies. it is important we continue to provide these opportunities and look to develop youth players to continue to compete on the world stage and part of this is looking at younger players and giving them pathways for the future and this is illustrated by the young squad we have picked for the Hungary match which includes the likes of Lauren Stokoe, Lewis Mayes, Archie Self and Olly Raywood who are all at different stages of their development and all have the potential to make the full England Team in future years.'
![]() | ![]() | ||
Eleanor Cairns (Lancashire) | Leo Beechey (Buckinghamshire) | Eleanor Cairns (Lancashire) | Leo Beechey (Buckinghamshire) |
Beau Greaves (Yorkshire) | Tavis Dudeney (Sussex) | Amy Evans (Clwyd Youth/Cheshire Seniors) | Nathan Bell (County Durham) |
Rosie O'Connor (Warwickshire) | Luke Littler (Merseyside Youth/Cheshire Seniors) | Rosie O'Connor (Warwickshire) | Tavis Dudeney (Sussex) |
Lauren Stokoe (County Durham) | Nathan Potter (Suffolk Youth/Norfolk Seniors) | Lauren Stokoe (County Durham) | Luke Littler (Merseyside Youth/Cheshire Seniors) |
Lewis Mayes (County Durham) | |||
Olly Raywood (Humberside) | |||
Archie Self (Berkshire) | |||
Evan Willoughby (Berkshire) |
England Youth Diamond Darts League
The qualifying rounds of the England Youth Diamond Darts League sponsored by Montagu Properties Services have been completed with the successful 8 boys and 6 girls moving into a round robin league format starting on Friday 5th March and continuing throughout March until the top 4 boys and girls take part in the event Grand finals on 27th March.
All the matches will be streamed on the England Darts YouTube Channel by TCStreams.
Full details of times and players’ schedules will be released in the next 24 hours.
Once again England’s ongoing commitment to youth darts is highlighted by yet another unique tournament supporting both boys and girls.
Our sincere thanks to the main sponsor Montagu Properties Services and the many donations from dart players and supporters, without which, the events would not be possible, once again a massive well done to our superb England Youth officials.
Welcome To England Darts
Everyone at England Darts are pleased to see the launch of the new England website. Many people have put a lot of work into the site and will continue to do so, but the new site wouldn’t have been possible without the planning and setting up done by David Ballantine who has put in many hours behind the scenes. Thank you David.
There are still some items to be added to the new site, but the old site is still available and will remain available until all the relevant information has been transferred. Just go to the archive button above.
2021 Six Nations Announcement
At a meeting this week of the Executives of the 6 Nations International Darts Championships, as a result of the ongoing health implications from the Covid 19 Virus and the continuing possibility of travel restriction still affecting the countries, it is in the best interest of our players welfare, that it is unrealistic to attempt to hold the event in June this year. Therefore the event will be cancelled for 2021, and re-scheduled in Scotland in 2022.
RIP Rick Cousins
Today England has received the devastating news that our friend and colleague Rick Cousins has passed away. Rick was a truly lovely guy, he was an integral and irreplaceable part of England Darts, one of the unsung heroes of our Organisation, who behind the scenes set up the venues with our small group, was available for all of the jobs that needed to be done during the duration of the events.
All this apart Vic, Greg, myself and the other Directors had so much fun and banter with Rick in the days of event preparation and shared lots of evenings together at the bar after the day's work had finished, sharing darts and family stories, just so much fun.
I know I speak for everyone in England Darts, this is one of the saddest days in the history of our Organisation, losing such a diamond of a person like Ricky Cousins.
We send our sincere condolences to his wife Sandra and all of their family and friends in the UK and Japan.
Tommy Thompson
Chairman - England Darts
RIP Rhoda Harby
On behalf of England Darts we would like to send our condolences to the family of former England International, Rhoda Harby who sadly passed away on Monday.
Rhoda played twice for England, winning against Wales but losing against Scotland.
At the time Rhoda played for England she was playing her County darts for Hampshire, who she played for 147 times over a 25 year period. Rhoda also played for Avon and Dorset, without doubt there will be many of her friends that will be sad tonight but recalling many happy memories of their time with her.
RIP Rhoda.